By Lauren Weber

Tuesday February 16th, 2016

WHITE HOUSE: GOP WILL CAVE ON SCALIA REPLACEMENT "The White House on Monday said President Barack Obama had started preliminary discussions with his team about naming a Supreme Court justice nominee and accused Republicans of 'bluster' for saying they would not confirm his pick." The issue has already become prevalent in tight senate races. Here's who might be on Obama's shortlist for the spot, as well as a look at how nominees considered in election years are typically confirmed. [Reuters]
TIRED OF OIL PRICING FREEFALL, COUNTRIES CALL FOR A FREEZE IN OUTPUT "Saudi Arabia, Russia, Qatar and Venezuela said Tuesday they wouldn’t increase crude-oil output above January’s levels as long as other major oil producers followed suit, in the first coordinated move to boost oil prices in years." [WSJ | Paywall]
DONALD TRUMP THREATENS AN INDEPENDENT RUN He said the RNC pledge was "in default." [HuffPost]
THE GAP IN MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE WHEN IT COMES TO TREATING TRANSGENDER PATIENTS "Mr. Bailey’s experience is echoed by many transgender patients, both those who have fully transitioned and those in the process. Research on nontransition-related medical needs is limited; most medical schools don’t prepare doctors for treating this community." [NYT]
THE RISE OF THE BEE 'HEIST' Stealing bees is a profitable business. [WaPo]
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TURNS OUT THE WORLD HAS A LOT LESS WATER THAN WE THOUGHT Which you knew if you saw "The Big Short." But regardless, this is more than slightly concerning. [HuffPost]
HOW TMZ GETS THE VIDEOS NO ONE ELSE CAN "TMZ resembles an intelligence agency as much as a news organization, and it has turned its domain, Los Angeles, into a city of stool pigeons." [The New Yorker]
APRIL 24 COULDN'T COME SOON ENOUGH The latest "Game of Thrones" trailer has all kinds of Jon Snow teasers. [HuffPost]
DEADPOOL SLAUGHTERS VALENTINE'S DAY WEEKEND With a $150 million-plus haul. [Varity]
BLOOMBERG BREAKS DOWN WHO MARRIES WHOM The chart maps out whether CEOs marry CEOs or chefs. [Bloomberg]
THIS IS WHAT A 404-CARAT DIAMOND LOOKS LIKE Boys, take note. [HuffPost]
THE DECAY OF AMERICAN INFRASTRUCTURE "Our awareness of road networks flickers to life only when a typical commute is congested with other drivers or closed for construction." [The New Republic]
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TRADER JOE'S REVOLUTIONARY POLICY ON EGGS "Trader Joe's has thrown its weight behind the growing cage-free egg movement, making it one of the few prominent grocery chains to do so." [HuffPost]
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~ Here's the complete list of winners from the BAFTA Awards.
~ Former President Bill Clinton's stirring up trouble for Hillary on the campaign trail again.
~ Turns out Facebook has an option to designate someone to manage your profile after you die.
~ The historic Sports Illustrated cover.
~ Costs of being an amateur Ironman can run in the hundreds of thousands.
~ Kanye West's album cover, but for 2016 presidential candidates.
~ This 3D-printed ear looks pretty close to perfect.
~ Meet the crowd favorite for tonight's Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.
~ Steph Curry asked for Kobe Bryant's autograph, proving for the zillionth time that he's the best.
~ A look at the designers behind some of the a most iconic outfits of all time.
~ Why emails are overtaking news apps.
~ And heroin has finally made an impact on Capitol Hill.

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