By Lauren Weber

Friday February 19th, 2016

OBAMA WORKING TO NOMINATE JUSTICE SHORTLY According to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, it could be in the next three weeks. [Reuters]
BLACK VOTERS STILL AREN'T FEELING THE BERN IN SOUTH CAROLINA Spelling trouble for Bernie Sanders' long-term campaign prospects. [HuffPost]
PEOPLE ARE TAKING LONGER TO DIE Resulting in larger Medicare bills. [WSJ | Paywall]
NYT SHOWS JUST HOW MUCH WARMER YOUR CITY WAS LAST YEAR Track how much hotter it got for you. [NYT]
PATHWAYS OF A BLACKLISTED SHIP Tracking the Dawnlight, a massive container ship suspected a illegal dealings with North Korea. [WaPo]
For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.
'AS A PAKISTANI MUSLIM IN AMERICA, I'M ALWAYS AN OUTSIDER' "The questions that disturb me most, that sting me as a Pakistani Muslim living in the capital of the United States and make me feel that maybe it won’t all be okay after all, fall into the 'you-belong-there-and-not-here' category." [HuffPost]
WATCH OUT FOR FECAL MATTER ON AIRPLANE TRAYS We know. We didn't realize people change their babies' diapers on planes often either. [Refinery 29]
FLEEING INTO THE UNKNOWN "Imagine being ripped away from your family and running for your life as a teenager." [HuffPost]
OVER A THIRD OF AMERICANS DON'T GET ENOUGH SLEEP Which is seven hours a night. Yikes. [HuffPost]
MEET THE NEXT MARY POPPINS A spoonful of sugar for all of us. [Variety]
WHAT ROBERT CARO THINKS ABOUT POLITICAL POWER "If you’re really interested in political power, everything you do is bull..." [Gothamist]
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THE BALANCE RUSSELL SIMMONS FINDS IN MEDITATION "Before he was an outspoken advocate of meditation, yoga and veganism, Russell Simmons was one of the founding fathers of hip hop -- a music-industry mogul working long hours to build his empire." [HuffPost]
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