By Lauren Weber

Wednesday February 10th, 2016

TRUMP, SANDERS RUN AWAY WITH NEW HAMPSHIRE Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders each won the state by over 19 percent in landslide victories. John Kasich scored second in the GOP race with a message revolving around "compassionate conservatism." Chris Christie is headed back to New Jersey after a 6th place finish to reevaluate his campaign. And here's why Sanders' huge win means a messy rest of the democratic primary season. [Ryan Grim and Igor Bobic, HuffPost]
BREAKING DOWN OBAMA'S $4.2 TRILLION BUDGET What the president is prioritizing this last go-round. [WaPo]
WORRIED ABOUT A NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST? Don't fret, you can buy this bunker. [WaPo]
WHY THE MIDWEST FLOODING WAS SO BAD THIS WINTER Turns out human error might have been to blame. [HuffPost]
TOP INTELLIGENCE OFFICIALS: ISIS WILL ATTEMPT TO ATTACK U.S. THIS YEAR "ISIS 'will probably attempt to conduct additional attacks in Europe, and attempt to direct attacks on the U.S. homeland in 2016,' Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, testified on Capitol Hill Tuesday." [CNN]
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CONCUSSIONS MIGHT TRIPLE RISK OF SUICIDE A look at the link between head trauma and suicide risk. [HuffPost]
LET IT GO You're going to have to hear this song for the rest of your life, as "Frozen" is coming to Broadway. [Vulture]
WHAT AMERICA FORGOT ABOUT BEYONCE "Beyonce has always been political -- and most of all, pro-black -- we just weren't paying attention." [HuffPost]
KANYE WEST CALLS BILL COSBY 'INNOCENT' This predictably did not go over well. [HuffPost]
SCIENTISTS HAVE FOUND A NEW BACTERIA THAT CAUSES LYME DISEASE This new form has been found in the upper Midwest. [Reuters]
THAT LOBSTER YOU'RE EATING IN RESTAURANTS? Up to a third of the time, it's not even actual lobster. [HuffPost]
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HOW TO HIRE MORE WOMEN AND MINORITIES "[Accenture] said it will pay employees bigger referral bonuses if they recommend an African-American, Hispanic-American, woman or veteran and that candidate is successfully hired." [HuffPost]
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~ The author of "The New Jim Crow" details why she believes black voters should not default to Hillary Clinton.
~ Broadly's history of the thong.
~ Congrats to Ashley Graham, the first plus-size Sports Illustrated swimsuit model.
~ How the parenting rules shift when your kid has cancer.
~ Meet the woman who makes a heck of a lot of prosthetic pinkies for those looking to put their criminal pasts in the future.
~ Rolling Stone profiles Warren Jeffs, the polygamist cult leader who is a "madman in jail."
~ Why Hillary Clinton would be reluctant to release those Goldman speeches.
~ What we've all forgotten about that infamous O. J. Simpson car chase.
~ Check out these photos and see if you can spot the crime indicators.
~ This golden retriever might be smarter than us. Or at least better at survival skills.
~ The second act of Michael Jackson's pet chimpanzee.
~ The "Here to Make Friends" crew dissects how all the blond villains departed from this week's episode of "The Bachelor."
~ And Beyonce could be credited for boosting Red Lobster sales by over a third this past weekend. All hail Queen B.

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