By Lauren Weber

Thursday February 4th, 2016

LIBYA, THE NEXT ISIS FRONT? "President Obama is being pressed by some of his top national security aides to approve the use of American military power in Libya to open up another front against the Islamic State." [NYT]
ADNAN SYED OF 'SERIAL' HAS HIS DAY IN COURT Inside the hearing for a new trial for the subject of the hit podcast. [The Baltimore Sun]
GLOBAL STOCKS REBOUND "Global stocks gained on Thursday as rising commodities prices boosted energy and mining shares. Futures pointed to a 0.5% opening gain for the S&P 500 as oil and base metals prices rallied on a weaker dollar." [WSJ | Paywall]
CVS EXPANDS SALE OF 'LIFE-SAVING HEROIN ANTIDOTE' Ohio and New York now sell naloxone over the counter without a prescription. [Sebastian Murdock, HuffPost]
DONALD TRUMP'S LOVE FOR HUFFPOST Sorry Donald -- it's unrequited. [Janie Valencia, HuffPost]
For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.
CALM DOWN, FOLKS The CDC did not just tell women to stop drinking, but did issue guidance about alcohol consumption for those planning on becoming pregnant. [HuffPost]
WENDY DAVIS: I WANT TO RUN FOR OFFICE AGAIN On this week's "Candidate Confessional," Davis confesses to wanting to get back in the ring. [HuffPost]
THE BRUTAL LIFE OF A LONG-HAUL TRUCKER "Truck driving is, without a doubt, one of the most brutal jobs a person can do. Across the board, long-haul truckers have higher rates of obesity, diabetes, anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disease, divorce, and drug use than the average American." [Pacific Standard]
FREE PRETZELS ARE COMING BACK TO AIRLINES You know, with the $18 billion profit they were able to pull in, it seems like the least they could do. [HuffPost]
VEGANS, REJOICE Ben & Jerry's has answered all of your dreams, and we taste tested their new vegan flavors for you. [Buzzfeed]
HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES Or in this case, what they're eating in First Class while you munch on that indiscriminately reheated mass in coach. [Buzzfeed]
SPENDING $13 ON WINE? Here's what to buy. [Vice]
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HOW TO TREAT THE HOMELESS DURING THE SUPER BOWL "In August, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee said homeless people would 'have to leave the street' during Super Bowl 50 and promised to provide alternative shelter. But as those people are moved out of busy tourist areas, advocates for the homeless say the city could have taken a different approach." [HuffPost]
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~ Mark Zuckerberg hopes for 5 billion Facebook users by 2030.
~ What Pope Francis wants Catholics to give up for this Lenten season.
~ Michigan is the home to the "world's longest running experiment."
~ What to expect in tonight's prime-time Democratic debate.
~ These ocean acidization stats are terrifying.
~ How rape skyrocketed in Ebola-affected areas.
~ The New York City mayor wants to put in streetcars in Queens and Brooklyn.
~ The Wall Street Journal's one-hour plan to strengthen your digital security from hackers (Paywall).
~ The "Fast and Furious" franchise has been confirmed for a 9th and 10th film.

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