By Lauren Weber

Wednesday February 3rd, 2016

PREPARE FOR THE LONG HAUL "A pair of presidential primary battles that just days ago seemed to have heavy favorites now present the prospect of protracted and expensive contests for both parties, as the candidates who survived the Iowa caucuses surged on Tuesday toward the New Hampshire primary to be held next week." Here's how Bernie Sanders is uniquely poised to "exploit" Hillary Clinton's flaws in the primary process, and why all the GOP establishment candidates are gunning for Marco Rubio. Meanwhile, Donald Trump blamed the loss in Iowa on not "much of a ground game" and skipping the last GOP debate. [NYT]
A LOOK AT A U.S. AIR STRIP IN SYRIA CNN takes you onto the field in the fight against ISIS. [CNN]
THE 10-YEAR-OLD THE TALIBAN KILLED "The Afghan government declared Wasil Ahmad a hero for leading a militia’s defense against a Taliban siege last year, parading him in front of cameras in a borrowed police uniform too big for him. On Monday, the Taliban triumphantly announced that they had assassinated him with two bullets to the head." [NYT]
BOARD OF ELECTION FINDS TED CRUZ TO BE A 'NATURAL BORN CITIZEN' We know Trump was worried. [Christian Farias, HuffPost]
MEET ONE OF THE 12 PEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR JIM GILMORE IN IOWA "'He exceeded expectations,' [Troy] Bishop said in an interview with The Huffington Post. 'I mean, look at some of the other candidates. Look at the money they spent. They got 3,000 votes. He didn't spend any money and got 12.'" [Jen Bendery, HuffPost]
For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.
INTRODUCING HUFFPOST QUEER VOICES "For the very first time, we're thrilled to welcome you to HuffPost Queer Voices. Our name change comes four-and-a-half years after we originally debuted as HuffPost Gay Voices -- and after countless conversations with countless people, both inside and outside of the HuffPost newsroom." [HuffPost]
AMAZON TO OPEN 'BRICK-AND-MORTAR' BOOKSTORES Somewhere, an updated "You've Got Mail" script is waiting… [CNBC]
YAHOO JUST LAID OFF 1,700 PEOPLE And pretty much hung a big "For Sale" sign up in the process. [Vanity Fair]
WOMEN CAN NOW LEGALLY BE THE HEADS OF THEIR HOUSEHOLD IN INDIA Yes, that was not legal before now. [HuffPost]
GIRL SCOUT COOKIE AND WINE PAIRINGS Cue Julie Andrews singing "These are a few of my favorite things…" [Brit + Co]
WHY YOU COULDN'T FIND YOUR UBER APP THIS MORNING Inside the remaking, and rebranding, of Uber. [Wired]
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THE NEW EARTHQUAKE WARNING SYSTEM "A warning of just a few seconds is still enough time for conductors to halt trains, doctors to pause surgeries, and people to find cover in their homes or other buildings." [HuffPost]
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~ How to get Super Bowl splatter stains out of your clothes Sunday.
~ A top photojournalist walks you through her photos of the dark side of America.
~ The "Here to Make Friends" crew is back to walk us through this week's "Bachelor" insanity, with sudden departures galore.
~ Welcome to, which is so much better than the usual lorem ipsum we have to fill in space on websites.
~ Kate Winslet is all of us: She doesn't understand why Rose couldn't share that door with Jack in the "Titanic."
~ A reporter for The Intercept fabricated sources, top editor says.
~ Could this be the end of the annual performance review?
~ How your face wash ends up killing oysters.
~ Congo only has 38 giraffes left.
~ And happy Wednesday: Who cares about the Super Bowl when you can watch a bunch of puppies prepping for the Puppy Bowl.

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