By Lauren Weber

Tuesday February 9th, 2016

NEW HAMPSHIRE PRIMARY HEATS UP Check out HuffPost Pollster for an update on the candidates' standings, where Marco Rubio's precarious position has led to an establishment opening. Bernie Sanders and John Kasich have taken the first early results. And meet the New Hampshire voters who are asking "is it over yet?" [Ed Mazza, HuffPost]
WHAT THE SAT TEST CHANGE MEANS FOR COLLEGE APPLICANTS How reading skills are the new currency for the revamped test. [NYT]
INSIDE THE 'MASS DEATHS' IN SYRIAN JAILS "Detainees held by the Syrian government are being killed on a massive scale amounting to a state policy of 'extermination' of the civilian population, a crime against humanity, United Nations investigators said on Monday." [Reuters]
THE LATEST ON THE ZIKA VIRUS From the $1.8 billion President Barack Obama has requested to fight the mysterious virus to the particularly devastating cases of microcephaly in Brazil. [Erin Schumaker and Anna Almendrala, HuffPost]
BLOOMBERG CONTINUES TO TOY WITH 2016 RACE The billionaire former mayor said the current crop of politicians was making "the level of discourse and discussion distressingly banal and an outrage and an insult to the voters.” [Financial Times]
For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.
'PROMISE YOU'LL NEVER PUT ME IN A NURSING HOME' "His fears, and her assurances, mirror conversations that are playing out increasingly between husbands and wives, children and parents, and others as the population of older Americans swells. By 2050, the number of people 85 and older is projected to triple." [WaPo]
TODAY IS THE END FOR MOST PEOPLE'S NEW YEAR'S EVE GYM RESOLUTIONS For us it was January 2nd, so you still won. [USA Today]
UNDERSTANDING THE BEST TIMES TO EAT, WORK AND SLEEP FOR YOU "When your internal body clock is off, it can contribute to or worsen obesity, insomnia, diabetes, bipolar disorder and depression." [HuffPost]
FACEBOOK IS KILLING YOUR PHONE'S BATTERY Up to 15 percent of it. [HuffPost]
THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SIGH Or what some researchers call "the ultimate arousal for the brain." [WSJ | Paywall]
THIS GYMNAST'S ROUTINE HAS WON THE INTERNET And our hearts. Can she teach us some of these moves? [HuffPost]
FIGURING OUT WHAT MAKES PEOPLE CHEAT "In other words, when people win against others, they tend to think they're better, or more deserving. And that thinking helps them justify cheating, since, after all, they're the rightful heir to whatever throne is next." [WaPo]
ANALYZING THOSE COMPETING FOR THE BEST NEW ARTIST GRAMMY We're totally biased and rooting for Sam Hunt. [HuffPost]
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RESPONDING TO CLIMATE CHANGE "Arctic communities are highly vulnerable to climate change, but they can adapt, like Arviat has, according to a recent review of more than a decade’s worth of academic research looking at Arctic communities from around the world." [HuffPost]
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~ How to Snapchat like a teen (it's a scary world out there, you've been warned).
~ We have this year's Oscars class photo.
~ Gigi Hadid released photos of her Vogue cover where she is wearing "mostly Chanel No. 5."
~ These are some "underrated" workout moves we could all do more of. But first, to addressing that whole working out thing...
~ Angelina Jolie showed off three new, ginormous back tattoos.
~ The dangers inherent with shipping chlorine across the country by train.
~ How horror films are getting much scarier.
~ The first lady of Mexico faces scrutiny over the legitimacy of her annulment.
~ The inventor "with more patents than Edison" has died.
~ As

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