By Lauren Weber

Tuesday May 3rd, 2016

INDIANA HEADS TO THE POLLS What to watch for tonight as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump look to lock up their respective nominations once and for all. [NYT]
AIRLINE PROFITS WERE INSANE THIS YEAR While you put your phone on a tray the size of well, your phone, airlines made triple their profits last year, netting a cool $25.6 billion. [Chris D'Angelo, HuffPost]
ALL WHILE WAIT TIMES INCREASE "Security lines at airports are getting longer -- much longer -- and wait times could reach epidemic levels when air travel peaks this summer, according to airlines, airports and federal officials." [NYT]
THREE EARTHS FOUND? Three temperate planets that could support life have been found orbiting an "ultracool dwarf star" (for the record, ultracool is a scientific term, even though we do think this is really cool). [Micheal McLaughlin, HuffPost]
IWO JIMA PHOTO UNDER SCRUTINY "The Marine Corps has opened an investigation into whether it misidentified one of the six men shown raising an American flag atop Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima in February 1945, The Associated Press reported Monday." [WaPo]
For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.
A LOT OF CRAZY THINGS HAPPENED AT THE MET GALA Kanye West wore ripped jeans, Beyonce confirmed Rita Ora probably wasn't Becky all while wearing a lot of latex, many stars broke out their baby bumps, Kate Upton showed off her engagement ring, and A-Rod showed up with not a model, but a successful woman entrepreneur. It was a crazy night. [HuffPost]
'WICKED' HAS MADE $4 BILLION WORLDWIDE Talk about defying gravity. [Variety]
TRY NOT TO FALL MORE IN LOVE WITH JUSTIN TRUDEAU With this video for the Invictus Games. [HuffPost]
REMEMBER HOW GOOD LEBRON WAS IN 'TRAINWRECK?' Well get excited, as it looks like "Space Jam 2" is finally happening. [HuffPost]
INSIDE ONE OF THE 'RIDICULOUS SENTENCES' "Because this was a federal case, and the amount of meth exceeded 500 grams, or 1.1 pounds, Guthmiller was suddenly facing at least 10 years behind bars as a co-conspirator." [NBC News]
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DRIVERLESS BOATS "While they might end up putting sailors out of a job, fully autonomous boats could help the fossil fuel-hungry shipping industry drastically slash its carbon emissions." [HuffPost]
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~ One last Met Gala note -- we want Claire Danes’ Cinderella light-up gown.
~ First class seating is causing "air rage."
~ There is a wearable device called a Pavlok, that shocks its users to keep their behavior in line. What a perfect name.
~ Watch out -- Australia wants to kill its Carp fish problem with herpes.
~ On this week's "Candidate Confessional," Jeb Bush's former communications director Tim Miller talks why the campaign couldn't "fix it."
~ Meet the first "climate refugees" being resettled in Louisiana.
~ Try not to smile watching Leicester City players celebrating one of the largest upsets in history with their win of the English Premier League title.

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