By Lauren Weber

Wednesday May 25th, 2016

ELIZABETH WARREN CONTINUES TRUMP ONSLAUGHT "Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), amplifying her her recent attacks on Donald Trump, admonished the presumptive GOP presidential nominee in a no-holds-barred speech on Tuesday, calling him 'a small, insecure money-grubber who doesn’t care who gets hurt.'" And Hillary Clinton’s campaign loves having Warren attack for them. [Marina Fang, HuffPost]
BILL COSBY TO STAND TRIAL FOR 2004 SEXUAL ASSAULT CASE While the charges relate to one instance of sexual assault in Pennsylvania, over 50 women have accused him of sexual misconduct. These are their stories. [Michael McLaughlin, HuffPost]
TRUMP ALBUQUERQUE RALLY TURNS VIOLENT "Police in riot gear used smoke grenades on hundreds of protesters who they said hurled rocks and bottles outside a Donald Trump campaign rally in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Tuesday night." [Peter Andrew Hart, HuffPost]
THE END OF THE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ ERA? Democratic leaders are considering dropping the DNC chair. [CNN]
REFORMING YOUR IMAGE WHEN YOU'RE A FORMER SENATE CANDIDATE WHO JUST GOT OUT OF JAIL "Feeling exiled and frustrated in her Florida condominium, Ruthann Aron decided she needed a makeover. Not of the cosmetic variety but of the cosmic -- a public image redo, which would not be particularly easy nearly 20 years after the trial that put her in a Maryland prison for hiring a hit man to murder her rich urologist husband." [WaPo]
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GAWKER WAS RIGHT Someone was funding the lawsuits against them, and that someone is PayPal cofounder Peter Thiel. [Forbes]
TWITTER JUST GOT EASIER TO USE But when will the changes stop? We still miss the stars. [Twitter Blog]
THE PREGNANT WOMEN TAKING OVER HOLLYWOOD From "The Night Manager" to "Neighbors 2." [Vanity Fair]
THE ARCTIC IN 360 DEGREES You feel like you could reach out and touch your new polar bear friend. [HuffPost]
YOU NOW HAVE TO BUY SPOTS AT PARKS BECAUSE THE WORLD IS ENDING "This detail would even feel heavy-handed in a novel about a dystopian future ruled by the libertarian tech elite, but here you go: in San Francisco’s Dolores Park, people will be able to reserve chunks of the park as part of a two-month pilot program by the Recreation and Parks Department. " [Deadspin]
INVESTIGATING TRUMP'S HAIR Could it be a $60,000 weave? [Gawker]
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NO WEEKEND EMAILS IN FRANCE "Checking your work email on a weekend or a holiday? In France, where employees have been granted 'the right to disconnect,' that’s now against the law." [HuffPost]
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~ More 18- to 34-year-olds live with their parents than with roommates or partners, according to Pew Research.
~ Trump has finally donated $1 million to a veteran's group, after saying he had done so four months ago.
~ Could the decline of cigarettes be connected to the rise of obesity in America?
~ These folks are reading out every word in the user agreement contacts in the apps people typically have on their phones. It's taking them over 24 hours.
~ In reality TV winner news, here's who triumphed on "The Voice" and "Dancing With The Stars."
~ Would you like Angelina Jolie to be your professor? Head to the London School of Economics this fall.
~ The Olympics of hairdressing is as absurd as you think it would be.
~ This Texas town has had to boil its water for two weeks, and the end isn't in sight.
~ Jay Z responded for the first time to "Lemonade" in a verse that mentions making millions on his marriage.
~ Google's offices were searched (ba-dum-bum-ching) by French authorities in an ongoing tax evasion probe.

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