By Lauren Weber

Monday May 16th, 2016

DONALD TRUMP'S ATTACK LINES FOR HILLARY CLINTON From Bill Clinton's infidelities to Benghazi, Trump will attempt to portray Hillary Clinton as "fundamentally corrupt." The New York Times takes a look at his "psychological warfare tactics." [NYT]
CHINA'S LOVE FOR LOBSTERS "Little Cranberry, an island of 70 inhabitants, and China, a nation of 1.4 billion people, increasingly find themselves connected by the shifting currents of the world economy. The rise of China’s middle class has coincided with a boom in Maine’s lobster population, resulting in a voracious new market for the crustaceans’ succulent, sweet meat." [WaPo]
APRIL NAMED HOTTEST ON RECORD Which makes it the seventh month in a row to hold that grim honor. [Dominique Mosbergen, HuffPost]
THE COST OF 'POLITICAL UPHEAVAL' "Heightened political uncertainty appears to depress economic activity at least until an election ends. Stanford’s Mr. Bloom estimates a tight campaign, particularly among candidates with very different policy platforms, would cut growth by as much as half a percentage point in the quarters running up to the election." [WSJ | Paywall]
EIGHT WAYS OF UNDERSTANDING DONALD TRUMP From owning Mar-a-Lago to proving his family wrong, here's what makes the Donald tick. [Howard Fineman, Jason Linkins and Lauren Weber, HuffPost]
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THE DEATH OF FRIENDFEED And no, we're not talking about Facebook. [Kernelmag]
'CONFESSIONS OF A FORMER FAT KID' "Ma had been bigger too, when she was younger, and she wanted so badly to save me from the same fate. It didn’t help that now we were living next to her parents in rural Massachusetts, in a town she’d promised herself she would escape, a town she had successfully escaped up until she hadn’t." [Buzzfeed]
FYI YOUR INSTAGRAM POSTS CAN BE USED AGAINST YOU Vanessa Hudgens learned that lesson the hard way. [HuffPost]
AMAZON CONTINUES ITS WORLD TAKEOVER The ecommerce giant is expanding into "new lines of private-label brands that will include its first broad push into perishable foods." [WSJ | Paywall]
TURNS OUT YOU MIGHT BE LYING ABOUT HOW BUSY YOU ARE This woman recorded what she did for every hour in her very busy life for a year, and after crunching the numbers found she had spent a lot of time doing a whole lot of nothing. [NYT]
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A LOOK AT STARBUCKS 'SUSTAINABILITY' BONDS "Starbucks Corp. is asking investors to fund as much as $496 million on what the coffee giant describes as 'sustainability' projects, the latest move in a growing push by companies to reduce the potentially negative impact of their activities on the environment." [HuffPost]
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~ In hospitals in Venezuela, people die for want of antibiotics. The New York Times investigates the failing health system.
~ The former top lawyer for Trey Gowdy undercut the Benghazi committee.
~ Gannett has offered to buy the Los Angeles Tribune for $15 a share.
~ There was a fair amount of drama at Saturday's Nevada democratic convention
~ Smell dating. It's a thing.
~ The first penis transplant has been completed in the U.S.
~ A look at New York's mass graves.
~ In the fight between diamond and hydraulic press, machinery wins.
~ We are super into this potential new couple on "Game of Thrones."
~ And Jonathan Franzen visited Antarctica and wrote about it. That's all you need to know to dedicate the next twenty minutes to reading this joy of a piece.

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