By Lauren Weber

Wednesday December 23rd, 2015

AND THEN THERE WERE SIX The next GOP primary debate will feature only six candidates, likely bumping Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul and John Kasich to the undercard debate. [Jason Linkins, HuffPost]
SOMEONE STOLE A SECRET SERVICE AGENT'S GUN AND BADGE Makes you feel very confident in the president's security. [WaPo]
IRAQI FORCES STORM RAMADI At least 250 ISIS fighters remain entrenched in the city. [Reuters]
THE GROWING THREAT OF RISING DRUG PRICES A look at the devastating repercussions of massive drug price upticks. [NYT]
BOKO HARAM HAS DEPRIVED OVER A MILLION CHILDREN OF SCHOOL THIS YEAR Fear of violence at the hands of the terror group keeps the kids at home, where they are more likely to be "abused, abducted, or recruited." [AP]
THE WHITE HOUSE RELEASES PLAN TO COMBAT MULTIDRUG-RESISTANT TUBERCULOSIS "While tuberculosis advocates are thrilled with the ambitious scope and potential unifying force of the National Action Plan, many worry whether the funds will be made available to implement it." [Lauren Weber, HuffPost]
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'AMERICANS ARE DRINKING THEMSELVES TO DEATH' "Alcohol is killing Americans at a rate not seen in at least 35 years, according to new federal data. Last year, more than 30,700 Americans died from alcohol-induced causes, including alcohol poisoning and cirrhosis, which is primarily caused by alcohol use." [WaPo]
THE MOST GOOGLED PEOPLE FROM EACH COUNTRY Lionel Messi and Rihanna clean up. [Time]
REMEMBER THE PEOPLE THE INTERNET HATED? Where the most reviled folks of 2015 are now. [WaPo]
A LOT OF WOMEN'S BLADDERS ARE FALLING OUT And no one wants to talk about it. [WaPo]
WHAT MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND The best foreign affairs stories from 2015 help make it clear. [HuffPost]
THE EVOLUTION OF MALE NUDITY ON TV IN 2015 "The small uptick is hardly a corrective to exploitative female nudity. There’s still a crucial distinction in this recent crop of shows: When men undress, it’s for artistic reasons, not salacious ones." [Vulture]
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'NESTLE JUST SET THE STANDARD FOR CAGE-FREE EGGS' "In five years, Nestle will use cage-free farms to provide the 20 million pounds of eggs used in items sold in the U.S., like Haagen-Daz ice cream, Toll House cookie dough and Lean Cuisine breakfast items. The company, which made the announcement on Tuesday, doesn't currently use any cage-free eggs, meaning it will need to completely overhaul its U.S. supply chain." [HuffPost]
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HOW TO GET LOWER AIRFARE Changing your point of origin does wonders. [HuffPost]
~ Amazon and UPS are best buds no more.
~ Everybody is flipping out about a bright streak of light in Nevada -- anyone hear the "X-Files" theme song?
~ All the adorable winter engagement photo ideas for your newly engaged friends (although someone please tell us how it's not a fire hazard to wrap yourself in Christmas lights).
~ The "Here To Make Friends" podcast is back, and we are so very excited for the return of Bachelor nation.
~ What flight attendants think of you when you walk onto the plane.
~ Robert Durst will be extradited to Los Angeles on a murder charge.
~ What it's like to live in a city coated in smog.
~ For 55 officers involved in fatal shootings this year, "it wasn't their first time."
~ The Internet is going bananas over this snowman drawing where you look for the panda.
~ Yeah, Prince Harry's Christmas card is divine.
~ You're using your toaster wrong.
~ Inside the world's most expensive SUV.
~ This visual of the "Rugrats" crew all grown up is scarring.
~ Looks like Shonda Rhimes and Patrick Dempsey still have beef.
~ Are you a woman? Looks like you're paying a surcharge on a lot of basic goods because of it.
~ The companies that will make a fortune from climate change.
The Morning Email will return December 28th! Have a wonderful holiday weekend.
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