By Lauren Weber

Friday December 18th, 2015

DNC: SANDERS CAMPAIGN IMPROPERLY ACCESSED CLINTON DATA "Officials with the Democratic National Committee have accused the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders of improperly accessing confidential voter information gathered by the rival campaign of Hillary Clinton, according to several party officials … The discovery sparked alarm at the DNC, which promptly shut off the Sanders campaign’s access to the strategically crucial list of likely Democratic voters." [WaPo]
ALL WE KNOW ABOUT THE ONLY PERSON CHARGED IN THE SAN BERNARDINO SHOOTING Enrique Marquez has been charged with conspiring to provide material support to terrorists after confessing to supplying the shooters with weapons and plotting previous terror attacks. Take a listen to his incredible 911 call after realizing his guns had been used in the attack, and here's a graphical look at the San Bernardino shooters' network. [Matt Ferner, HuffPost]
WHEN PRISON GUARDS HAVE SHOTGUNS "There is a lot of shooting going on inside Nevada’s correctional system. This year, at least 22 inmates at three facilities were injured by shotgun blasts. In the first half of 2015, shotguns were used in 14 incidents at High Desert alone." [Dana Liebelson, HuffPost]
UN: REFUGEES EXCEED 60 MILLION WORLDWIDE Which comes out to one in 122 people being displaced. [Reuters]
MOTHER TERESA TO BECOME A SAINT The Nobel Laureate who captivated the world by caring for the poor is expected to be canonized in September. [Reuters]
For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.
DRUG CEO 'REVILED FOR PRICE GOUGING' CHARGED WITH SECURITY FRAUD Martin Shkreli, the young drug CEO who had raised drug prices astronomically, has been charged with fraud after running his company "like a Ponzi scheme." [Bloomberg]
THE SUICIDAL HASHTAG "They used the search results to identify a list of ambiguous hashtags such as #blithe, #MySecretFamily and #SecretSociety123 that were tied to the same dangerous behaviors. Other hashtags related to mental health conditions through use of common names, such as #Deb for depression, #Annie for anxiety, and #Olive for obsessive-compulsive disorder." [Reuters]
NETFLIX DROPPED A 'FULLER HOUSE' TRAILER Prepare yourself for all the nostalgia feels. [HuffPost]
WHEN FIRST RESPONDERS ARE GIVEN SUPERHUMAN TOOLS "The Bounce Imaging Explorer is a sphere with cameras and sensors, which allows first responders to survey the scene in hard-to-access scenarios such as oxygen-deprived spaces, hostage situations, collapsed or burned buildings. It keeps first responders safe while allowing them a full view into the situation so that they can determine a plan of action." [HuffPost]
ABBY WAMBACH'S LAST GAME IS SOMETHING TO WATCH That standing o is well-deserved. [HuffPost]
THE BEST MOVIES OF 2015 So many options to cuddle up with as the snow falls. [HuffPost]
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THE MAMMOTH COULD BE MAKING A COMEBACK "Dr. George Church, a molecular biologist at Harvard University who is working on such projects, estimates that a variation of the first new woolly mammoth (which disappeared some 4,000 years ago) may be born as soon as seven years from now." [HuffPost]
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MICHAEL MOORE: 'WE ARE ALL MUSLIM' "Fortunately, Donald, you and your supporters no longer look like what America actually is today. We are not a country of angry white guys. Here's a statistic that is going to make your hair spin: Eighty-one percent of the electorate who will pick the president next year are either female, people of color, or young people between the ages of 18 and 35." [HuffPost]
~ "Star Wars" just came out and it's already crushed ticket sales records.
~ Disney has added metal detectors to its park entrances.
~ Supermodel Bar Refaeli has been detained in Israel for tax evasion.
~ Over a dozen dogs have gone missing in Northern New York.
~ Macaulay Culkin ruined all your happy imaginings about "Home Alone" today with this video about a rather traumatized Kevin McAllister.
~ This NBA star delivered his baby girl in his bathroom.
~ Diving into the mystery mean girl Bella Thorne keeps talking about.
~ Look at Elizabeth Hurley's bikini Christmas card photo -- and remind yourself that she's 50. Then go eat a holiday cookie.
~ This living "Elf on the Shelf" ad shows how disturbing the toy trend actually is.
~ How to get students engaged in our country's worst school districts.
~ Prince William and Kate Middleton's Christmas card is too adorable.
~ Who you can blame for having to learn how to play the recorder in grade school.
~ And this week, the "So That Happened" crew takes a look at why the DNC is hiding its debates on the weekends.
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