By Lauren Weber

Friday December 4th, 2015

MOTIVE UNCLEAR IN SAN BERNARDINO SHOOTING "With a young wife, infant daughter and government job, Syed Farook appeared to have arrived at a sweet-spot in life. Friends knew the 28-year-old by his quick smile, his devotion to his Muslim religion and earnest talk about cars he would restore. They didn't know the man authorities say was busy with his wife, Tashfeen Malik, building homemade bombs and stockpiling thousands of rounds of ammunition for a commando-style assault on a holiday party of his co-workers that killed 14 and injured 21." Family members of the shooters have no idea what could have motivated the couple to go on such a killing spree. And here's a look at their massive arsenal. [AP]
'INSTRUMENTS OF OPPRESSION' "Thousands of rape victims around the world undergo grisly and unsafe abortions because of U.S. policy. Obama could change this with a single executive action. Why hasn't he?" [Laura Bassett, HuffPost]
THE MILITARY IS OPENING ALL COMBAT ROLES TO WOMEN The historic move is expected to be announced today. [AP]
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: QATAR WORKERS STILL VICTIMIZED "Amnesty's report says that the country has significantly failed to address five of the nine major issues migrant workers are facing. Two focuses were that workers are not getting paid their wages on time, as well Qatar's 'kafala' system." [AP]
2015 WAS THE YEAR TO BE AN INVESTMENT BANKER There have been a record $4.304 trillion worth of mergers and acquisitions this year. [WSJ]
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COLDPLAY IS PLAYING SUPERBOWL 50'S HALFTIME And releasing their seventh album today -- quite the news day for the band. [HuffPost]
WE DON'T KNOW WHAT TO MAKE OF THE 'GAME OF THRONES' SEASON SIX TEASER Other than Bran could be helpful, which seems impossible. [HuffPost]
NETFLIX IS LITERALLY KILLING YOU Turns out being sedentary is bad. Whoops. [HuffPost]
ONE OF THE DEADLIEST PLACES IN THE WORLD TO BE A JOURNALIST Welcome to talk radio in the Philippines. [California Sunday]
SIA TALKS WRITING SONGS FOR BEYONCE AND ADELE What it's like to work with the best in the business. [Vanity Fair]
SMARTPHONES 'MAY BE KILLING TV' "The use of Internet-ready devices like smartphones appears to have seriously cut into American's traditional TV-watching time, new Nielsen data shows, potentially undercutting the notion that mobile devices merely serve as "second screens" while people are plopped in front of the set." [AP]
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OBAMA PRAISES STEP TO INCLUDE WOMEN IN THE MILITARY "'Our armed forces will draw on an even wider pool of talent. Women who can meet the high standards required will have new opportunities to serve,' Obama wrote in a statement Thursday. 'Together, we're going to make sure our military remains the finest fighting force in the history of the world, worthy of all our patriots who serve -- men and women.'" [HuffPost]
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'WHAT I LEARNED WORKING FOUR YEARS AT MCDONALD'S' "McDonald's is gross and greasy. But my humiliation, and that of my friends and my family, wasn't because I made burgers. It was because I was supposed to be better than that." [HuffPost]
~ Here's a map of all the mass shootings this year.
~ Your gchat emojis are going to look a tad different now.
~ What dying coral reefs look like.
~ Daniel Radcliffe's Harry Potter audition will give you all the Friday morning feels.
~ Love Disney? We have a dating site for you.
~ Gwen Stefani made it pretty clear that Gavin Rossdale cheated.
~ Apparently serenity is a color, and not only that but one of the colors of the year. Who knew?
~ An "Orange Is The New Black" actress could face some jail time of her own.
~ Stone Temple Pilots singer Scott Weiland found dead at 48.
~ At least 2,500 actors are gunning for that young Han Solo role in the upcoming "Star Wars" spinoff -- as they should be.
~ Nick Offerman and a Yule log -- what else could you want this holiday season.
~ And the "So That Happened" crew tackles the sad reality of mass shootings, along with a 2016 check-in.

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