By Lauren Weber

Thursday April 7th, 2016

BERNIE SANDERS SAYS HILLARY CLINTON ISN'T 'QUALIFIED' TO BE PRESIDENT The Vermont senator cited Clinton's donations from Super PACs, support for the Iraq War and various trade agreements while arguing why she isn't "qualified" for the presidency. [Politico]
THE TERRORISTS JAILED ACROSS THE COUNTRY Mapping out the prisons holding hundreds of convicted terrorists in the U.S. [NYT]
WEST VIRGINIA MINING CEO SENTENCED TO ONE YEAR IN PRISON "[Rex Mullins] noted that 365 days in prison amounted to about 12-and-a-half days for each dead miner. 'This man made millions of dollars at the expense of our loved ones,' he said. 'Rex Mullins’ family wants their 12-and-a-half days paid in full.'” [Charleston Gazette-Mail]
WONDER WHAT MERRICK GARLAND IS UP TO? The embattled Supreme Court justice nominee is still tutoring students once a week at a D.C. elementary school. [WaPo]
WHITE HOUSE TAKING STANCE IN ENCRYPTION FIGHT "The White House is declining to offer public support for draft legislation that would empower judges to require technology companies such as Apple to help law enforcement crack encrypted data, sources familiar with the discussions said." [Reuters]
'THE SNAP PACK' If you would like to read an article that will most likely anger you about entitled millennials who are the children of the rich and famous, The New York Times wrote this piece for you. [NYT]
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SAY GOODBYE TO 'AMERICAN IDOL' TONIGHT Tune in for the last night of the talent show that started them all. [USA Today]
BUT HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BUY 'STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS' ON DVD ANYWAYS? After the collapse of the VHS/DVD world, here's what to expect in physical sales. [Vulture]
'ROBOT-PROOFING' YOUR KIDS' CAREER The creative fields are looking like a good choice after all, folks. [Financial Times]
YOUR OUTSTANDING MORTGAGE STILL LIVES ON WHEN YOU DIE Don't make your heirs pay off your debt. [WSJ | Paywall]
FACEBOOK JUST BECAME SOMETHING ELSE With its live video update, the social media site pivots. [HuffPost]
THE FIGHT FOR A 'PERFECT ORGAN' "We were told hoverboards -- self-balanced, two-wheeled, battery-powered scooters -- are a transplant surgeon’s new best friend." [HuffPost]
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THE CORPORATE COALITION GOING AFTER MISSISSIPPI'S ANTI-LGBT LAW "Top executives from Salesforce, Microsoft and IBM decried on Tuesday a new 'religious liberty' law passed in Mississippi that gay rights advocates say legalizes discrimination in the state based on sexual orientation or gender identity." [HuffPost]
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~ Country legend Merle Haggard has died at 79.
~ The White House is moving cash in the fight against Ebola to Zika. There have been 312 travel-related cases of Zika in the U.S. as of the end of March.
~ The Swedish Tourism Association just launched a program where you can call a Swede to ask about their life. This is not a joke.
~ Inside the sometimes very awkward tradition of the First Lady handover tour of the White House.
~ The history of the wonderful phrase "happy hour."
~ Be right back, booking our tickets to go to Japan to check out their cherry blossom season.
~ Tracking ancient conquerors -- by their poop trail.
~ Try cooking your next pizza upside down.
~ Mapping the lead exposure across the U.S.
~ And have a few million on hand? This entire British village is for sale.

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