By Lauren Weber

Monday April 11th, 2016

THE 'PARALLEL CAMPAIGN' OF PAUL RYAN "While Mr. Ryan has repeatedly said that he has no intention of becoming his party’s nominee this year, he is already deep into his own parallel national operation to counter Donald J. Trump and help House and Senate candidates navigate the political headwinds that Mr. Trump would generate as the party’s standard-bearer -- or, for that matter, Senator Ted Cruz, who is only slightly more popular." [NYT]
PRO-TPP OP-EDS RESEMBLE THOSE FROM FOREIGN LOBBYISTS "Opinion columns published in California newspapers over the last year in support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership use language nearly identical to drafts written and distributed by public relations professionals who were retained by the Japanese government to build U.S. support for the controversial trade agreement." [The Intercept]
BRUSSELS BOMBERS ORIGINALLY PLANNED TO ATTACK IN FRANCE But with Belgian authorities closing in, the cell decided to deploy its bombs in Brussels. [Reuters]
GEOGRAPHY MATTERS WHEN YOU'RE POOR How your life span is shortened based on your income in certain areas of the U.S. [NYT]
NAVY OFFICER CHARGED WITH ESPIONAGE The suspect worked at the Navy’s Patrol and Reconnaissance Group, "which oversees intelligence collection activities." [Reuters]
THE U.K.'S DAILY MAIL JOINS THE FRAY FOR YAHOO Verizon, IAC/InterActiveCorp. and CBS Corp. are all also reported to be bidding for the company. Verizon owns The Huffington Post. [WSJ | Paywall]
THE 2016 ELECTIONS WORTH WATCHING THAT AREN'T THE PRESIDENCY "Big names, high stakes and lots (and lots) of spending." [Jason Linkins and Lauren Weber, HuffPost]
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WHEN YOU FEAR YOUR CHILD COULD BECOME A TERRORIST "He had come to the attention of officials not by a well-placed informant or a sting operation. His father, concerned and looking for help, had simply picked up the phone and led the government right to his son." [NYT]
IF YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE WORRIED ABOUT 2016 Imagine being a permanent White House staffer who might be working for Donald Trump next year. [Vanity Fair]
REMEMBERING WILL SMITH The former NFL player was killed by a gunman after a road rage incident. [Reuters]
THE BEST-DRESSED AT THE MTV AWARDS We can't get enough of Lea Michele's gown. And here are the actual winners. [HuffPost]
ON FRIDAY BUZZFEED EXPLODED A WATERMELON ON FACEBOOK LIVE Over 800,000 people watched. Here's why this is the future of TV as well as all the shows that have less of an audience than this one exploding watermelon. Goodbye, humanity. [The Verge]
WHEN YOU LIVE IN A TECHNOLOGICAL HELL "For the last decade, Taylor and her renters have been visited by all kinds of mysterious trouble. They’ve been accused of being identity thieves, spammers, scammers and fraudsters. They’ve gotten visited by FBI agents, federal marshals, IRS collectors, ambulances searching for suicidal veterans, and police officers searching for runaway children." [Fusion]
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THE BUS FOR THE HOMELESS "That chance encounter inspired [Simon] Rowe to develop the Sleepbus: a mobile shelter that will provide homeless families and individuals -- and their pets -- a safe and warm place to sleep at night." [HuffPost]
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~ What it's like to lose an election by four votes.
~ CIA director vows agency won't waterboard now or in the future.
~ The New Yorker reveals what it took to expose the war crimes of Bashar Assad, thousands of smuggled documents later.
~ This tale of a baby swapped at birth is the stuff of nightmares, even if it was only for a morning.
~ The latest "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" trailer has us feeling all the Muggle feels, especially after learning British spies protected us all from leaks in the Harry Potter series.
~ Here's a photo of Luke Skywalker kicking it with Rey.
~ Meet the doula for the dying.
~ This article on "darties" justifies all weekend choices.
~ Don't let your dog play with your calligraphy ink unattended.
~ And if you're going to break into a Five Guys, maybe don't stick around long enough to make yourself what appears to be a cheeseburger. Or just stay home to do that.
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