By Lauren Weber

Tuesday March 29th, 2016

HIJACKED EGYPTAIR PLANE DIVERTED TO CYPRUS "An EgyptAir plane was hijacked while flying from Alexandria to the capital of Cairo on Tuesday. Everyone on board except four crew members and three passengers were released after negotiations with the alleged hijacker, Egypt’s civil aviation minister said." The hijacker was reportedly motivated by personal reasons. [Jade Walker and Kelly Chen, HuffPost]
THE ISIS CELL DEPLOYED 'LONG BEFORE BRUSSELS' A look at how the world dismissed the threat of ISIS. And here's a look at all the the group's attacks on the West since 2014. [NYT]
MAN WITH GUN APPREHENDED AT CAPITOL Police shot Larry Dawson after he drew a weapon upon entering the Capitol Visitor Center. [Christina Wilkie, HuffPost]
SENIORS PACK THE SHOOTING RANGE "The National Rifle Association says 22,739 people over 65 took basic firearm training courses from NRA-certified instructors in 2015, four times the number five years earlier." [WSJ | Paywall]
'THE YOUNG WOMAN WHOSE ADDICTION STORY TOUCHED OBAMA'S HEART JUST DIED' "Like the opioid epidemic itself, [Jessica] Grubb’s death was complicated. With the president and countless strangers pulling for her, she was let down by a treatment system that resists evidence-based practices and by a medical community that still hasn’t figured out how to incorporate substance-use disorders into treatment mandates." Take a look at the HHS plan to stop deaths like Grubb's. [Ryan Grim and Sam Stein, HuffPost]
For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.
WE KNOW WHY YOUR iPHONE IS CRASHING Blame the latest iOS update. [HuffPost]
RBG IS TAKING A TURN AT ACTING The Supreme Court justice will play a judge, so it's not that much of a reach. [New York Magazine]
THOUSANDS RALLY AROUND VICTIM OF HATE CRIME "People from around the world have united to raise more than 86,200 [pounds] (or around $123,007) in a matter of days for the grieving family of Asad Shah, a shopkeeper in Glasgow, Scotland, who was brutally killed on Thursday." [HuffPost]
WHAT'S UP WITH YOUR INSTAGRAM No, it's not changing tomorrow, so stop worrying about turning on notifications. [HuffPost]
BEING A MUSLIM IN AMERICA In their own words. [HuffPost]
THE FIRST MUSIC VIDEO FOR KIEFER SUTHERLAND'S ALBUM DROPPED Imagine a bad musical episode of "24" and you get the gist. [HuffPost]
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THE MESSAGING GURU HOPING TO CHANGE THE UTILITIES INDUSTRY "The U.S. utility industry, beset by stricter pollution regulations and market forces that have made renewable energy more competitive, is seeking to rebrand itself into something more appealing to the public." [HuffPost]
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~ Violence in Chicago continues to rise to deadly new heights.
~ The Secret Service doesn't want guns at the GOP convention.
~ The history of the NYC fire escapes.
~ Living that start-up life -- when you're 50-plus .
~ The story behind "paleo happiness."
~ This Alaskan volcano is spewing ash over 20,000 feet high.
~ Buzzfeed takes a look at the "unbearable sadness of Ben Affleck."
~ No, Internet -- Jon Lovitz and Jessica Lowndes aren't engaged. But that was a nifty bit of marketing for her new single.

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