By Lauren Weber

Wednesday March 16th, 2016

THE BREWING CONVENTION CHAOS "The loss in Ohio makes it extraordinarily difficult -- Trump will need some 60 percent of the delegates left -- to get the 1,237 delegates he needs to lock up the nomination without a floor fight in Cleveland, which will host the Republican Convention in July." Bernie Sanders had a disappointing night after Hillary Clinton took four states -- here's what's ahead for his campaign. And take a look at the delegate math. [Ryan Grim and Janie Valencia, HuffPost]
PRESIDENT OBAMA IS HOURS FROM NAMING HIS SUPREME COURT NOMINEE At 11 a.m. in the Rose Garden, the president is expected to nominate Judge Dri Srinivasan or Judge Merrick Garland. [Sam Stein, HuffPost]
NORTH KOREA SENTENCES UVA STUDENT TO 15 YEARS HARD LABOR "North Korea has a long history of detaining foreigners and has used jailed Americans in the past to extract high-profile visits from the United States, with which it has no formal diplomatic relations." [Reuters]
CDC RELEASES GUIDELINES AIMED AT STEMMING THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC "In an effort to curb America's deadly opioid crisis, federal health officials are urging doctors to largely avoid prescribing highly addictive painkillers like OxyContin and Vicodin when treating patients for chronic pain." [Chris D'Angelo, HuffPost]
YOUR INSTAGRAM FEED IS FOLLOWING FACEBOOK'S LEAD Forget chronological order -- it's moving to a top posts algorithm method. [NYT]
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THE 12 BADASS WOMEN HISTORY FORGOT Do you know who was the first woman to run for president? [HuffPost]
ERIN BROCKOVICH HAD IT RIGHT She's been calling the impending water crisis for years. [HuffPost]
THERE WILL BE A FIFTH INDIANA JONES But don't worry -- doesn't sound like Shia LaBeouf will be returning. [HuffPost]
HOW THE ENVIRONMENT IS KILLING YOU "A report released Tuesday by the World Health Organization links nearly 13 million deaths worldwide to preventable environmental factors. The study found that nearly 1 in 4 deaths in 2012, the most recent year cited in the report, had to do with surroundings made unhealthy by air pollution, poor water quality and other environmental factors." [HuffPost]
POOP'S POWER How your microbiome affects your life. [HuffPost]
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THIS GIRL DONATED HER ALLOWANCE TO BUY BULLETPROOF VESTS FOR THE K-9 UNIT "'God bless you and the dogs,' wrote 11-year-old Allison." [HuffPost]
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~ The brewery making beer from recycled waste water.
~ The "Here to Make Friends" team dissects the season finale of "The Bachelor" in all of it's over-loved glory.
~ Rikers Island is sinking.
~ Scientists may have found a fossilized pregnant T-Rex.
~ Hold onto your tiaras -- a "Princess Diaries 3" might happen.
~ The top guys gunning for the new Han Solo role.
~ Vine stars are coming for some $$$ from the platform.
~ The major con of IUDs.
~ Jerry Seinfield just netted $22 million -- not that he needed it.
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~ Deadspin has unveiled their "2016 Name of the Year" bracket.
~ How GM and Lyft plan to steal Uber's dominance.
~ And the person who stole Taylor Swift's spot as the most followed on Instagram is...

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