By Lauren Weber

Wednesday January 13th, 2016

A STATE OF THE UNION FOCUSED ON KEEPING THE COUNTRY UNIFIED "President Barack Obama put the American people on notice Tuesday night that a dark future awaited American democracy if its citizens didn't begin to come together rather than retreat into ethnic or religious corners." Check out the top moments from the State of the Union, as well as the full text of Obama's speech. Plus here's how Obama, and the Republican Party, took aim at Donald Trump last night. [Ryan Grim, HuffPost]
THE ST. LOUIS RAMS ARE MOVING TO LA And the San Diego Chargers have the option of following them there next year. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch's top sports writer said of the decision: "feckless thugs of NFL leave us with just memories." [Michael McLaughlin and Travis Waldron, HuffPost]
AT LEAST 9 OF 10 KILLED IN ISTANBUL BOMBING WERE GERMAN CITIZENS "'This attack will kill tourism here,' one tour guide said." [Sophia Jones, HuffPost]
'HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BOTCHED FLINT'S WATER CRISIS' "You'd expect that utilities, states, federal agencies would take their jobs seriously and try to protect people rather than deliberately mislead, lie and make up excuses not to protect public health," said Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, a Flint pediatrician. [Arthur Delaney and Philip Lewis, HuffPost]
HILLARY CLINTON AND THE LEGEND OF THE MAGIC WAND Clinton broke out the "magic wand" phrase to describe rival Bernie Sanders' goals as unrealistic. The language marks a turning point, as it "is starting to carry echoes from a similar point in 2008, when Senator Barack Obama started surging." Even lawmakers seemed stumped last night when asked who they thought would be giving the State of the Union address next year. [NYT]
For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.
WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND $1.5 BILLION IN POWERBALL WINNINGS ON? Members of Congress had some fun answering that question last night. Someone could potentially win $1.5 billion in the drawing today. [HuffPost]
MICROSOFT ENDED SUPPORT FOR OLD VERSIONS OF INTERNET EXPLORER YESTERDAY Good luck trying to make older versions of your least favorite browser work. [TechCrunch]
NEED A BINGE-WATCH LIST? Try the 100 top-grossing movies in history. [HuffPost]
ARE YOU A WOMAN? You should not be asked these questions in a job interview. [HuffPost]
UBER IS ABOUT TO INSTALL A VERSION OF TAXI TV As an app. On your phone. [The Verge]
HOW TO STOP PULLING YOUR HAIR OUT Over the nightmare that is email today. [HuffPost]
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HONG KONG TO PHASE OUT IVORY SALES "Hong Kong, said to be the world’s largest retail market for ivory, announced that it would be phasing out the sale of legal ivory in the city." [HuffPost]
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'TO MY YOUNGER BROTHER WITH CEREBRAL PALSY' "Thank you for teaching me that no matter how many times you fall, you always get back up." [HuffPost]
~ A look at the "science of freezing."
~ Sorry, "Serial" fans: The popular podcast will now be released every other week.
~ Sign us up for more of Adele rocking karaoke in a car with James Corden.
~ Four words: Bacon chocolate shot glasses.
~ The top web fonts of the year.
~ The "Here To Make Friends" crew breaks down how “The Bachelor” is destroying science for everyone this week.
~ The river that very well may be a "black hole" here in the U.S.

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