By Lauren Weber

Wednesday January 6th, 2016

NORTH KOREA CLAIMS IT TESTED HYDROGEN BOMB "North Korea said it successfully tested a miniaturized hydrogen nuclear device on Wednesday, claiming a significant advance in the isolated state's strike capability and setting off alarm bells in Japan and South Korea." [Reuters]
EL NINO HAS ARRIVED IN CALIFORNIA And it's already getting dicey out there. [Nick Visser, HuffPost]
GLOBAL STOCKS DIP FURTHER "Concerns over China, news of a possible nuclear test in North Korea and a steep fall in oil prices combined to send global stocks lower on Wednesday, extending the shaky start to this year." Apple stock also fell over the news of lower iPhone orders. [WSJ | Paywall]
THE CAR ISN'T DEAD YET Turns out 2015 was a banner year for the auto industry, with Americans buying a record number of cars. [WaPo]
FBI WANTS TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED IN 18-MINUTE SAN BERNARDINO GAP The agency is asking the public for footage of the terrorist couple during 18 minutes of their murderous spree that are unaccounted for. [Matt Ferner, HuffPost]
GERMANY OUTRAGED BY MASS ATTACKS ON WOMEN IN COLOGNE ON NYE "About 90 women have reported being robbed, threatened or sexually molested at New Year celebrations outside Cologne's cathedral by young, mostly drunk, men, police said on Tuesday, in events they have described as 'a new dimension in crime.'" [Reuters]
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YOUR MOST LIKELY CAUSE OF DEATH Take a look at the breakdown for your age group. [Flowing Data]
CHECK YOUR PET'S CAR RESTRAINTS Most haven't been crash-tested, since they aren't regulated by any government agency. [HuffPost]
THE ATLANTIC'S LOVE LETTER TO SATURN "Jupiter is the beast to Saturn’s beauty. Think of Saturn hanging in space, glowing like a streetlamp in fog, the tilt of its record-groove rings suggesting something imaginative, or even mad." [The Atlantic]
TWITTER PLANS TO EXPAND CHARACTER COUNT OF TWEETS A 10,000-character limit is reportedly in the works. [Re/code]
THE MOVIES YOU SHOULD GO TO IN THIS MISERABLE COLD Because it's at least warm there. [HuffPost]
THAT MIDNIGHT MUNCHING ISN'T JUST BAD FOR YOUR WAISTLINE It could be damaging your memory. [HuffPost]
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HOW TO FIX A FAILING DIVERSITY PROGRAM "Businesses need to treat diversity problems the same way they would treat, say, a drop in profits -- all hands on deck to fix the issue immediately. Hold people accountable, question current practices and measure everything." [HuffPost]
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PORTION CONTROL TRICKS "Many of these tricks are rooted in behavior change which serve as cues to gently remind us to eat mindfully … to eat when hungry … to eat more slowly … and to eat less." [HuffPost]
~ Forty people have come forward saying they were sexually abused at a Rhode Island prep school.
~ A look at the Philadelphia parade that is often associated with hateful acts.
~ How to go to bed like a "healthy person."
~ 90's fans, Fall Out Boy has a treat for you: They made a sequel to *NSYNC's "It's Gonna Be Me."
~ Well in case you were unclear why Michael Bay made those horrible "Transformers" sequels, here's a hint: $$$$. The director disclosed what he's worth.
~ More scary news about the Rio Olympics: The main stadium's power and water have been cut because electricity and water bills haven't been paid in months.
~ What Pope Francis will be up to in 2016.
~ "Here to Make Friends" is back, and we couldn't be more excited to hear their take on this season of "The Bachelor."
~ Take a look at these breathtaking, award-winning wedding photos.
~ "Tinder, but for babysitters."

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