By Lauren Weber

Thursday November 5th, 2015

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ISIS BOMB MAY HAVE BROUGHT DOWN RUSSIAN JET U.K. and U.S. intelligence analysts believe the plot may have been ordered and executed by the terrorist group's cell in Sinai. Britain has suspended all flights to and from the Sinai Peninsula. [HuffPost/AP]
IRANIAN HACKERS ESCALATE TARGETING OF U.S. The hacking is believed to be related to the arrest of an Iranian-American businessman in Tehran. [WSJ]
EU: 3 MILLION MORE REFUGEES ARE COMING BY END OF 2016 Over 700,000 have arrived so far. [AP]
WHAT THE TRADE DEAL MEANS FOR VIETNAM "The Communist government in Vietnam has agreed to American terms to grant potentially far-reaching labor rights to the country’s workers, including the freedom to unionize and to strike, in return for expanded trade between the former adversaries, according to the newly released text of a vast Pacific trade agreement." [NYT]
ALL THE CMA WINNERS Along with the red carpet fails, Miranda Lambert's post-break-up look, and the sideshow news that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are officially dating. [Leigh Blickley, HuffPost]
CNN REPORT: 'TALE OF TWO CARSONS' "But nine friends, classmates and neighbors who grew up with Carson told CNN they have no memory of the anger or violence the candidate has described. That person is unrecognizable to those whom CNN interviewed, who knew him during those formative years." [CNN]
For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.
SECRET NATIONS EXIST You've probably visited one without realizing it. [BBC]
YOU CAN APPLY TO BE AN ASTRONAUT As long as you're between 5 feet 2 inches and 6 feet 3 inches and have some extensive engineering and technical knowledge. [HuffPost]
PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE LOVES AZIZ ANSARI'S NEW SHOW "Master of None," which will start streaming on Netflix Friday, has been reviewed with much acclaim. [Vulture]
'NOW WHAT' DISCUSSES THE GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS Could an MIT invention save the world from its food deficit? [HuffPost]
INSIDE FLORIDA'S UNDERFUNDED MENTAL HOSPITALS "One night in 2012, she walked the ward again, a single orderly watching over 27 men. Her nearest co-workers were upstairs, out of sight. They didn't see what a security camera captured -- a patient holding a radio antenna fashioned to a jagged point." [Tampa Bay Times]
WHAT MEANT MORE TO ANGELINA JOLIE THAN HER MARRIAGE Brad Pitt committed more to her, she says, when he signed their co-adoption paperwork. [Vanity Fair]
WHY YOU'RE SEEING ALL THESE 90s REBOOTS In the business of TV, a sure thing is always better than a risk. [WaPo]
SELF-ESTEEM MAY START BEFORE PRESCHOOL "Five-year-old children may only read and write at a basic level, but their sense of self is surprisingly sophisticated. A provocative new study suggests that by kindergarten, a child's self-esteem is as strong as an adult's." [HuffPost]
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FROM REFUGEE TO CABINET MINISTER "Canada’s newest democratic institutions minister is a 30-year-old woman who fled Afghanistan with her widowed mother and two sisters when she was a child." [HuffPost]
STOPPING THAT RED WINE HEADACHE "Still, wine writer Alice Feiring says that if you get red wine headaches consistently, you should try a natural or biodynamic wine that has lower amounts of sulfites added, or at least uses only 'molecular, elemental sulphur' rather than commercial, petrochemical sulphur." [HuffPost]
~ We love the new Canadian PM's comments on gender parity.
~ All the foods we’d miss out on without bees.
~ Couple goals: Mark Zuckerberg's comment on this photo of his pregnant wife could not be cuter.
~ The best items in the H&M Balmain collection, which hits stores and goes up online today.
~ Thanks to Kansas City Royals player Lorenzo Cain, you can snag a free breakfast at Taco Bell this morning.
~ And shed a few tears: Here are all the stores Target is closing.
~ Share the chores? You'll be sharing a lot more.
~ Uber is requiring sexual harassment training for all of its Cairo drivers.
~ When you treat male athletes like female athletes.
~ It's official -- this "Game of Thrones" character definitely bit the dust.
~ Yeah, J-Law's "Hunger Games" premiere dress is the coolest.

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