By Lauren Weber

Thursday November 19th, 2015

MASTERMIND OF PARIS ATTACKS KILLED IN PARIS RAID YESTERDAY "The Paris prosecutor says that the suspected mastermind of the Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was killed in a police raid. In a statement Thursday, the prosecutor's office said that Abaaoud's body was found in an apartment building targeted in the raid in Saint-Denis north of Paris Wednesday." [AP]
BELGIUM POLICE LAUNCH RAIDS AS FRENCH PM WARNS OF POSSIBLE CHEMICAL ATTACKS "French Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Thursday warned that France could face chemical or biological terror attacks, as Belgian security forces launched six raids in Brussels in connection with last week's deadly assaults in Paris." [USA Today]
THIS IS THE BOMB ISIS SAYS TOOK DOWN THE RUSSIAN PLANE Featuring a soda can, a detonator and some wire. [AP]
FIGHTING THE HOMEGROWN ISIS THREAT "At least three dozen people in the United States suspected of ties to the Islamic State were under heavy electronic or physical surveillance even before the Paris attacks, senior American officials say. But unlike the attackers in France, the officials say, the majority of those under investigation here never traveled to Syria to fight alongside the Islamic State or receive training from it." [NYT]
BOKO HARAM: THE GROUP THAT KILLS MORE PEOPLE IN TERRORIST ATTACKS THAN ISIS According to the Global Terrorism Index, Boko Haram kills more people annually than ISIS. Here's a timeline of their attacks so far this year. [Charlotte Alfred, HuffPost]
YOUR THANKSGIVING TRAVEL JUST BECAME MORE OF A NIGHTMARE Thousands of airport workers have gone on strike in seven major airport hubs across the country, including New York City, Boston and Chicago. [CNN]
THE 27 COUNTRIES BETTER AT GENDER EQUALITY THAN THE U.S. Featuring Rwanda, Iceland, Bolivia and 24 more. [HuffPost]
For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.
CHECK OUT THE WINNERS OF THE 2015 NATIONAL BOOK AWARDS Get reading. [Maddie Crum and Claire Fallon, HuffPost]
ANOTHER MAGAZINE COVER WITH ALL WHITE PEOPLE Yep, Hollywood's diversity problem is pretty evident on The Hollywood Reporter's new cover. [HuffPost]
THE REAL CONTENDERS FOR NEXT YEAR'S BEST ACTOR OSCAR RACE It just might finally be Leonardo DiCaprio's year. [HuffPost]
JENNIFER LAWRENCE FILMED HER FIRST SEX SCENE And even though it was with Chris Pratt, it was still apparently super awkward. [HuffPost]
RYAN DUFFY: SAVING THE CORAL REEFS On this episode of "Now What," Duffy finds how researchers are trying to rescue the coral reefs dying off around the world. [HuffPost]
THE FOODS NUTRITIONISTS REFUSE TO EAT Don't take the Diet Coke away from us, please! [Food Network]
WE FINALLY KNOW WHO 'YOU'RE SO VAIN' IS ABOUT Or… at least the second verse. Looking at you, Warren Beatty. [HuffPost]
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THIS TEACHER COMPLIMENTS HIS STUDENTS EVERY DAY "Special education teacher Chris Ulmer begins each school day at Keystone Academy in Jacksonville, Florida, individually complimenting each of his students for 10 minutes, The Mighty reported. Ulmer hopes to build confidence and self-esteem among his young students by reaffirming all their good qualities." [HuffPost]
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ERADICATING TERRORISM BY STANDING TOGETHER "Blaming an entire religion, and targeting a diverse and overwhelmingly peaceful religious community because of the actions of a few outcasts is not only patently unfair, but also counterproductive with regards to achieving our shared goals of combating terror." [HuffPost]
~ RIP "The Soup," which Entertainment Tonight canceled after 22 seasons -- here are some of the best clips.
~ Life as a flight attendant on the world's most luxurious airline.
~ Yes, the rumors are true -- Benedict Cumberbatch is starring in "Zoolander 2." But will he be able to bring the blue steele?
~ Ben Carson is not having the best week, between redrawing borders on a U.S. map and that NYT piece on his lack of foreign policy understanding.
~ "The Big Bang Theory" is finally going to live up to its name for Sheldon and Amy.
~ Meet the woman who wore an awesome American flag hijab on Fox News.
~ The NFL owner willing to stick it to his hometown for a buck (or a few million of them).
~ The worst kind of rat is a Netflix rat.
~ "My white neighbor thought I was breaking into my own apartment. Nineteen cops showed up."
~ Congrats to Michael Phelps and his fiance Nicole Johnson on the announcement they're expecting a baby boy.
~ There is such a thing as a Patti LaBelle "pie drought."
~ Mo'Nique talks why she gives her husband a "pass to cheat."
~ When guns blow up.

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