Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Afghan Refugee Crisis Worsens

The Morning Email
Tuesday May 31st, 2016
afghanistan refugee


NUMBER OF AFGHANS DISPLACED BY VIOLENCE DOUBLES "The number of Afghans internally displaced by conflict has 'dramatically' doubled to 1.2 million in just three years, Amnesty International said on Tuesday, warning that a lack of basic services was putting people on the brink of survival. The rights group said that situation of people uprooted from their homes in Afghanistan has deteriorated in recent years as global attention and aid money have been diverted to other crises." [Reuters]

YOU PROBABLY HAD A BETTER MEMORIAL DAY THAN THIS GUY "Here’s a different kind of holiday travel problem. A taxi jumped a curb and smashed into the glass at an entrance to Chicago O’Hare International Airport on Monday evening as Memorial Day travelers returned home. Images shared on social media by Daniel X. O’Neil show a Prius with markings of the Dispatch Taxi Affiliation in the entrance vestibule at the lower level of Terminal 3." [HuffPost]

POLISH LAWMAKER PUSHES TO EXTRADITE POLANSKI "Poland's justice minister on Tuesday revived an effort to have filmmaker Roman Polanski extradited to the U.S., where he is wanted in a nearly 40-year-old case involving sex with a minor. Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro's office said he asked Poland's Supreme Court to annul a ruling in October by a court in Krakow which found that Polish law forbids Polanski's extradition." [AP]

DONALD TRUMP DOESN'T ALWAYS BEAT CHINA... "'I beat China all the time,' Mr. Trump declared in a speech the day he announced his candidacy. “I own a big chunk of the Bank of America building at 1290 Avenue of the Americas that I got from China in a war. Very valuable.' Mr. Trump does have an investment in the building, an office tower near Rockefeller Center. But court documents and interviews with people involved in the deal tell a very different story of how he ended up with it." [NYT]

...BUT HE DOES BEAT AZERBAIJAN, THOUGH "Construction on the Trump International Hotel & Tower here in Azerbaijan’s capital stopped last year when the country’s oil-driven economy crashed amid plummeting oil prices. The local owner and developer, facing potentially huge losses, is scrambling to renegotiate contracts and get the building open … Critics say Trump, if elected, would face challenges here in drawing a distinction between the interests of his business and those of his country. Azerbaijan has been dominated for decades, stretching back to the 1960s Soviet Union era, by the Aliyev family, which, according to the State Department and human rights groups, has a poor record on human rights and free speech, including the jailing of journalists who investigate it." [WaPo]

HOLDER: SNOWDEN PERFORMED 'PUBLIC SERVICE' "Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder says Edward Snowden performed a 'public service' by triggering a debate over surveillance techniques, but still must pay a penalty for illegally leaking a trove of classified intelligence documents. 'We can certainly argue about the way in which Snowden did what he did, but I think that he actually performed a public service by raising the debate that we engaged in and by the changes that we made," Holder told David Axelrod on 'The Axe Files,' a podcast produced by CNN and the University of Chicago Institute of Politics." [CNN]

BIG BUSINESS TRYING TO SAVE GOP SENATE "The country’s biggest business lobby will launch an initiative Tuesday to deploy influential Republicans to raise funds for tight Senate races, hoping to keep the GOP from losing control of the chamber in November. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s 'Save the Senate' effort is being led by both Republicans who back the party’s presumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump, and those who have balked at doing so, in a shared quest to retain the Senate majority." [WSJ]

For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.


THE GREAT BARRIER REEF IS DYING "The worst bleaching event ever seen on the Great Barrier Reef has killed more than a third of corals across wide swaths of the region, scientists announced on Sunday. Those numbers continue a streak of horrifically bad news for the largest living structure on the planet. Just a month ago, researchers said 93 percent of the reef had been affected by the mass bleaching event.” [HuffPost]

GOLDEN STATE HEAD TO THE FINALS "In a 336-minute, seven-game series, the Golden State Warriors needed less than 170 seconds in the third quarter to dismantle, dishearten and dispose of the Oklahoma City Thunder, doing what they do best and knocking down five treys in three minutes to earn their second consecutive berth in the NBA Finals with a 96-88 victory Monday night. Of course, it started and ended with Stephen Curry." [HuffPost]

AD BLOCKING SOFTWARE HURTING ONLINE BUSINESSES "Many of the world’s largest Internet companies, like Google and Facebook, rely heavily on advertising to finance their online empires. But that business model is increasingly coming under threat, with one in five smartphone users, or almost 420 million people worldwide, blocking advertising when browsing the web on cellphones. That represents a 90 percent annual increase, according to a new report from PageFair, a start-up that helps to recoup some of this lost advertising revenue, and Priori Data, a company that tracks smartphone applications." [NYT]

ELTON JOHN, MAN OF PEACE "British singer Elton John told a concert in Moscow he still wanted to meet President Vladimir Putin to discuss his concerns about gay rights and AIDS in Russia despite the Kremlin leader not having time to meet him this time round. John, performing at a luxury shopping and entertainment centre in the Russian capital on Monday night as part of a world tour, sounded disappointed about not getting to meet Putin, but said he would return to try to see him." [Reuters]

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FT GOES GREEN… SORT OF "The editorial board of the Financial Times isn’t exactly stacked with bleeding-hearted environmentalists. Just a month ago, the British paper defended ExxonMobil’s right to question climate change amid legal probes into whether the oil giant covered up evidence of global warming. But in an editorial published Saturday, the FT urged the oil industry to “face a future of slow and steady decline.”

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~ DOD is finally getting rid of its floppy disks.

~ A look at China's 20 largest companies.

~ How to uproot and retire in Spain.

~ Breaking down Bran's visions from the latest episode of "Game of Thrones."

~ In this week's Candidate Confidential, Sam Stein and Jason Cherkis talk to the newly minted Libertarian Party presidential nominee, former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson.

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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Do Women Need Periods?

We spend five days and five nights in a Doctors Without Borders hospital, follow a 6-year-old Afghan girl's struggle to save her leg, and dive into the haystack that is the new "Bachelorette."
Best of NPR
Hope And Hard Times

What's it really like at a Doctors Without Borders field hospital?

NPR spent five days and five nights inside the only hospital in a war-torn corner of South Sudan. For the aid workers, life comes down to lentils, rare TV breaks — and sticking by your patients, no matter the odds.

A glimpse inside the camp

Period Piece

Do women need menstruation?

Six years. That's about how much of her life the average woman will spend having her periods. Now, though, long-lasting hormone contraceptives are helping making those menstrual cycles obsolete. And many women say that's a big plus.

Farewell to that time of the month?

'I Do Not Want To Give Her Bad News'

Saving 6-year-old Ameera, who was caught in the crossfire

She lost her father, a Taliban fighter, along with her mother and some siblings in a firefight earlier this year. Now, this Afghan girl is fighting to save her injured leg — and one American surgeon has been struggling to help her.

Hear Ameera's story

After The Flood

They still haven't recovered from Superstorm Sandy. But their insurers made a fortune

More than three years after the storm, thousands still can't return home. Insurance firms are doing just fine, though — to the tune of $400 million in profits. Meanwhile, government agencies fail to help.

The Investigation From NPR and PBS's 'Frontline'

Parade Of Goofballs

A puzzle for JoJo: how to find a prince in a haystack

It's that time again. A fresh bachelorette has to make her way through 26 men, hoping to find a good one, and we have some thoughts. [Disclaimer: Yes, this is a post about The Bachelorette. Deal with it.]

We're counting on you, JoJo


Friday, May 27, 2016

Obama's Historic Hiroshima Visit

The Morning Email
Friday May 27th, 2016
obama hiroshima


Lauren Weber is out on a reporting trip until June 7, so Eliot Nelson and I are filling in -- and attempting to write like much nicer people than we are so it seems like she’s still here!

OBAMA’S HISTORIC HIROSHIMA VISIT More than seven decades after the U.S. destroyed Hiroshima with an atomic bomb during the Second World War, Barack Obama on Friday became the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Japanese city. Obama will pay his respects at a memorial for the dead, but will not apologize to Japan for the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. He delivered a speech and met with elderly survivors of the bombings. [NYT]

CONGRESS FAILS TO FUND ZIKA FIGHT Congress split town for a two-week recess despite never coming to an agreement on a spending package to help prepare for a domestic Zika virus outbreak this summer. No one in the U.S. has contracted the tropical illness, which can cause serious birth defects when pregnant women become ill, but the coming warm weather and mosquito season have the health care community and senior government officials like Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Thomas Frieden seriously concerned. Hundreds of Americans have returned home carrying Zika and more than 900 people have become infected in Puerto Rico. [WaPo]

DID NORTH KOREA LITERALLY ROB A BANK? "Security researchers have tied the recent spate of digital breaches on Asian banks to North Korea, in what they say appears to be the first known case of a nation using digital attacks for financial gain … On Thursday, the Symantec researchers said they had uncovered evidence linking an attack at a bank in the Philippines last October with attacks on Tien Phong Bank in Vietnam in December and one in February on the central bank of Bangladesh that resulted in the theft of more than $81 million." [NYT]

EGYPTAIR FIND BEACON "The chief investigator in the EgyptAir plane crash that killed all 66 people on board last week has said search teams in the Mediterranean have picked up a beacon believed to be from the doomed aircraft. Ayman al-Moqadem said the beacon signal had narrowed down the search to a 3-mile radius. He insisted, however, that it did not mean the flight data and cockpit voice recorders -- the so-called 'black boxes' -- had been found." [AP]

"T-I-E. T-I-E, TIE" Nihar Saireddy Janga and Jairam Hathwar are your 2016 Scripps National Spelling Bee co-champions. It's the third straight tournament that ended in a draw. That includes two years ago, when Hathwar's older brother, Sriram, was one of the joint champs. And because we know you're wondering, the winning words were "Feldenkrais" and "gesellschaft." No, we don't know, either. [WaPo]

HILLARY CLINTON'S EMAIL SAGA CONTINUES "Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton doubled down on defending her email practices as Secretary of State, arguing that the use of a personal account was 'allowed,' and rules have since been 'clarified.'” [ABC News]

JEWS AND NEO-NAZIS JOIN FORCES FOR TRUMP Enthusiastic anti-Semites and some prominent American Jews like Ari Fleischer see what they want to see when they look at Donald Trump. Hard to envision how this alliance could possibly go wrong. [Jessica Schulberg, HuffPost]

For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.


WELL THIS IS TERRIFYING The superbugs are coming! A Pennsylvania woman has become the first person in the United States known to contract a bacterial infection that's immune to antibiotics. [WaPo]

MORE GAWKER VS. BILLIONAIRE ACTION Now that he knows who his real enemy is, Gawker honcho Nick Denton has some words for "thin-skinned billionaire" Peter Thiel. [Gawker]

TRUMP HYPOCRISY AGAIN He’s suddenly just fine with taking outside money for his campaign after talking a big game about self-funding (even though it was never really true). Now he's recruited New York Jets owner Woody Johnson -- a man whose money Trump trashed Jeb Bush for accepting.[NYT]

YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE ATTRACTS FLIES, RIGHT? A fly landed on Trump's head. It was huge, and there's video.[CNN]

HOUSE REPUBLICANS GET IN THEIR OWN WAY AGAIN "House Republicans unexpectedly sunk their own $37.4 billion water and energy spending bill on Thursday because it included a provision ensuring that people who work for government contractors can’t be fired for being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender."[HuffPost]

COLLEGE KIDS ENJOYING GETTING WASTED "On any given day, 1.2 million full-time students are drinking alcohol and more than 703,000 are using marijuana, according to a report released Thursday by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)." [LA Times]

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HELPING THE EXPLOITED HuffPost interviews a former child laborer in the Philippines has devoted her life to helping children forced into lives of forced labor and sex work. [HuffPost]

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~ Khloe Kardashian wants to divorce Lamar Odom -- for real this time.

~ A woman camping in Botswana was rudely awakened by a lion licking the outside of her tent. Thank goodness there's video.

~ Bernie Sanders might not become president, but he's using his popularity to keep influencing politics. For example, he's helping progressive Democrat Russ Feingold raise money to regain his Wisconsin Senate seat.

~ Aww, Dolly Parton has been married for 50 years!

~ Yet another baseball player is suspended over domestic violence charges.

~ Gawker watched 21 YouTube videos of different songs called "The Trump Train" so you don't have to.

~ This week on “So That Happened,” The Huffington Post podcast team say flattering things about Elizabeth Warren, if you can believe that.

The Morning Email will return on Tuesday, after the holiday weekend.

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

New post: Why You Don't Have Enough Time for Your Blog (and What to Do About It)

Lack of time is a huge frustration for many bloggers.

(At least that's what you told us in a recent survey.)

But often, that "too busy" feeling is just a symptom of a different problem:

Why You Don't Have Enough Time for Your Blog (and What to Do About It)

Speak soon,


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Top Trump adviser: "This is not a hard race"

The Morning Email
Thursday May 26th, 2016
donald trump


I'm heading off to Madagascar for a reporting trip, so Eliot Nelson and Jeffrey Young will be taking over The Morning Email tomorrow through June 6th!

DONALD TRUMP'S TOP ADVISER: 'THIS IS NOT A HARD RACE' Howard Fineman sits down with Paul Manafort to talk the wall, the potential ban on Muslims, Trump's governing style and his election chances. Spoiler alert -- Manafort thinks this is in the bag. [Howard Fineman, HuffPost]

THE U.S. GOVERNMENT IS SPENDING SO MUCH MONEY On the upkeep of outdated computer systems. The nuclear program runs on floppy disks. [AP]

'WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU'RE EXPECTING ZIKA' A look at Congress's inability to properly fund a Zika response as the U.S. local transmission threat grows with the climbing temperatures. [Michael McAuliff, HuffPost]

STATE DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR GENERAL SLAMS CLINTON IN EMAIL REPORT The new report continues to chip away at Hillary Clinton's weakness: "Voters just don't trust her." [Reuters]

'AMERICAN SNIPER' EXAGGERATED MILITARY AWARDS In his book, Chris Kyle reported receiving two Silver Stars and five Bronze Stars, whereas military records show he received one Silver Star and three Bronze Stars. [The Intercept]

AFTER TWO DAUGHTERS LEAVE FOR ISIS, A MOTHER STRUGGLES TO SAVE THE OTHER TWO "In a small box in her bedroom, Oulfa Hamrounni keeps the photo she treasures most. It shows one of her daughters, brown hair flowing, a smile on her round face. The photo was taken before the girl and her sister left home to join the Islamic State’s affiliate in Libya." [WaPo]

For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.


THIS IS A VIDEO OF A 6-MONTH-OLD ON WATER SKIS Yeah, take a minute to let that sink in. [Deadspin]


A COUNTRY ON 'THE BRINK' A look at the disintegration of Venezuela, in pictures. [WaPo]

YOU KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD IS IMPORTANT Turns out your block may be even more so. [The Atlantic]

JOHNNY DEPP AND AMBER HEARD HAVE CALLED IT QUITS The two were married for a 15 months. [HuffPost]

IT ISN'T THE WHITE HOUSE But this mansion will do for the Obamas post presidency. [CNN]

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LOVE IN A CAT CAFE "And what many casual cat lovers may not realize is that cat cafes can also be an invaluable tool to help shelter cats find homes -- especially cats who might be freaked out by being stuck in a kennel." [HuffPost]

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~ The danger of the lethality of Mexico's armed forces.

~ Trump agreed to debate Bernie Sanders for charity. Can someone make this happen?

~ Could Alzheimer’s "stem from the toxic remnants of the brain’s attempt to fight off infection?"

~ Three journalists have disappeared in Colombia in the past few days.

~ Sounds like there won't be a "True Detective" season three, and we're probably the only people who agree with Vulture's Sean Collins that that's a shame.

~ Throw a party: we'll have two more seasons of "The Americans." And if you're not watching it already, start.

~ The names Emma and William have a bit of a monopoly on the most popular baby names per state this year.

~ We are zero percent happy about this potential miserable "Game of Thrones" plot twist. Just no.

~ Grade A trolling by Clinton’s camp with this customized snapchat filter they geotagged to a Trump event.

~ We apologize for not recognizing National Wine Day yesterday. For penance, here are wine ice cream recipes. You're welcome.

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