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Is this the beginning of the end for Trump?

The Morning Email
Thursday March 31st, 2016
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COULD TRUMP HAVE FINALLY GONE TOO FAR? Howard Fineman argues we are seeing Donald Trump's "Hindenburg" moment after the GOP front-runner called for punishment for women who have abortions. Donald Trump has since walked back his statements. Meanwhile, several top female media personalities called for the firing of his campaign manager after he was charged with assault. And the numbers in Wisconsin aren't looking good for the Donald. [Howard Fineman, HuffPost]

ALL EYES ON CLEVELAND "Prediction markets, which allow people to bet on future events using real money, estimate an average 61 percent chance of a contested Republican convention with two or more votes required." [Natalie Jackson, HuffPost]

TOP FEMALE SOCCER PLAYERS ALLEGE WAGE BIAS "Five key members of the United States women’s national soccer team, the reigning Women’s World Cup and Olympic champion, plan to file a federal complaint Thursday charging U.S. Soccer with wage discrimination." [NYT]

WHEN POLICE RAID YOUR HOUSE FOR EVERYTHING And the charges are then dropped. [WaPo]

COULD IMPEACHMENT BE NEXT FOR THE ALABAMA GOVERNOR? Critics wonder as his sex scandal grows. [NYT]

BOSTON AND NEW YORK CITY COULD BE UNDERWATER By 2100 if current Antarctica melting patterns continue. [Nick Visser, HuffPost]

U.N. EXPANDS SEX ABUSE PROBE "U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said on Monday the world body had received new sexual abuse allegations against U.N. peacekeepers from Morocco and Burundi in Central African Republic (CAR), including one that involved a 14-year-old girl." [Reuters]


INTRODUCING 'SAHAR SPEAKS' "This project was borne out of anger -- my own -- at the deeply flawed, sexist system that is Kabul’s foreign media landscape. Not a single Afghan woman works for the international press in the country, in any capacity. And she never has." [HuffPost]



WHEN COLLEGE BROS BECOME HUMAN SMUGGLERS "Three friends and a team of frat brothers -- plus a stripper, an ex-army ranger, a door-to-door salesman and a go-go dancer -- made a fortune on the most heavily patrolled stretch of highway in Texas." [Rolling Stone]

THE ACADEMIC ROBIN HOOD When you put 50 million stolen research articles online, are you a thief or someone leveling the field for academics everywhere? [WaPo]

HOW UGG BOOTS HAVE MANAGED STAYING POWER Despite being, you know, ugly. [The Guardian]

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YOU SHOULD BE JEALOUS OF BANK OF AMERICA'S PARENTAL LEAVE POLICY "On Wednesday, the bank announced it would increase the amount of paid time off it offers new parents to 16 weeks from 12 weeks." [HuffPost]

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~ Three first-graders were caught planning to poison a classmate.

~ Aaron Sorkin is bringing a live version of "A Few Good Men" to NBC.

~ The U.S. has ordered the families of government personnel in southern Turkey to leave the country due to safety concerns.

~ Kim Kardashian and Emily Ratajkowski teamed up for another topless picture.

~ When Amazon "lumberrolls you."

~ This "Wheel of Fortune" contestant is a boss.

~ So "Batman v Superman" was a huge critical flop but a smashing box office success. Vulture breaks down what that means for the industry.

~ The ramifications of being able to annotate anything on the web.

~ Tsk, tsk Internet -- Stanford didn't actually turn everyone down.

~ This gun looks like a smartphone.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

GOP candidates walk back pledges to support nominee

The Morning Email
Wednesday March 30th, 2016
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GOP CANDIDATES WALK BACK PLEDGES TO SUPPORT NOMINEE Donald Trump said the Republican National Committee had treated him unfairly after refusing to say he'd back the GOP nominee if it was not him. Ted Cruz and John Kasich also wouldn’t say if they'd back the nominee when asked at CNN's town hall Tuesday night. And Trump refused to fire campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who was charged with the assault of reporter Michelle Fields. [Christina Wilkie, HuffPost]

'THE COMPANY THAT BRIBED THE WORLD' Inside the bribery scandal that created political instability terrorists could act on. [Nick Baumann, Ryan Grim and Paul Blumenthal, HuffPost]

MAYORS, CITIES STAND UP TO ANTI-LGBT LAW IN NORTH CAROLINA "The governor of New York, and the mayors of New York City and Seattle, announced on Monday that their state and cities would be joining San Francisco in adopting a ban on publicly-funded employee travel to North Carolina in protest of the state’s new law barring localities for passing laws to protect LGBT rights." And 80 prominent business leaders have also joined the fight. [Daniel Marans, HuffPost]

HACKERS ATTACK BIG LAW The authorities are investigating whether information stolen was used for insider trading. [Reuters]

NUCLEAR FUEL FOR THE TAKING "As President [Barack] Obama gathers world leaders in Washington this week for his last Nuclear Security Summit, tons of materials that terrorists could use to make small nuclear devices or dirty bombs remain deeply vulnerable to theft." [NYT]

PENTAGON PREPARES TROOPS FOR EASTERN EUROPE "The Pentagon has drawn up plans to position American troops, tanks and other armored vehicles full time along NATO’s eastern borders to deter Russian aggression, in what would be the first such deployment since the end of the Cold War." [WSJ | Paywall]

WHEN A COUNTRY TARGETS TERRORISTS' FAMILIES A look at a controversial centerpiece of Russia's counter terrorism strategy. [NYT]

For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.


THESE UMBRELLAS COME WITH LIFETIME WARRANTIES Just don't lose them … oh wait… [HuffPost]

FINDING THE QUIETEST SPOT IN THE STATES And what it means to have that much silence. [Crosscut]

'HOW MERYL STREEP WON HER FIRST OSCAR' "At 29, Meryl Streep was grieving for a dead lover, falling for her future husband, and starting work on Kramer vs. Kramer, the movie that would make her a star and sweep the 1980 Oscars." [Vanity Fair]

AVICII IS RETIRING He's 26. Try not to be jealous. [HuffPost]

'ESQUIRE LOSES A MAN AT HIS BEST' The Columbia Journalism Review takes a look at the firing of David Granger. [Columbia Journalism Review]

YOUR OTHER FAVORITE '90s SHOW MIGHT BE RETURNING "Sabrina" 2.0 could be just around the corner. [HuffPost]

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THE INVENTION THAT 'LIGHTS UP DISASTER ZONES' "LuminAID [is] a solar-powered, inflatable and portable light that is slowly changing the face of disaster relief. Since its official launch in 2011, LuminAID has been used in more than 70 countries and disaster zones." [HuffPost]

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~ Former child star and Oscar winner Patti Duke has died. She was 69.

~ Breaking down the similarities among the flags of the world.

~ Twitter just made images accessible to the visually impaired.

~ Are you a male who has been infected with Zika? The CDC is warning you from trying to conceive for at least six months.

~ Reason 58472 not to drink with your bartender.

~ Understanding the new Snapchat.

~ The weird way you can fix the water rings on your table.

~ Those "Lucky Charms" marshmallows have a name.

~ This wedding reportedly cost over a billion dollars.

~ Step by step, how New York City gets its water.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

EgyptAir plane hijacked

The Morning Email
Tuesday March 29th, 2016
hijacked egyptair


HIJACKED EGYPTAIR PLANE DIVERTED TO CYPRUS "An EgyptAir plane was hijacked while flying from Alexandria to the capital of Cairo on Tuesday. Everyone on board except four crew members and three passengers were released after negotiations with the alleged hijacker, Egypt’s civil aviation minister said." The hijacker was reportedly motivated by personal reasons. [Jade Walker and Kelly Chen, HuffPost]

DOJ DROPS APPLE LAWSUIT The FBI says it was able to hack into an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters without the technology giant's help. [Reuters]

THE ISIS CELL DEPLOYED 'LONG BEFORE BRUSSELS' A look at how the world dismissed the threat of ISIS. And here's a look at all the the group's attacks on the West since 2014. [NYT]

MAN WITH GUN APPREHENDED AT CAPITOL Police shot Larry Dawson after he drew a weapon upon entering the Capitol Visitor Center. [Christina Wilkie, HuffPost]

SENIORS PACK THE SHOOTING RANGE "The National Rifle Association says 22,739 people over 65 took basic firearm training courses from NRA-certified instructors in 2015, four times the number five years earlier." [WSJ | Paywall]

'THE YOUNG WOMAN WHOSE ADDICTION STORY TOUCHED OBAMA'S HEART JUST DIED' "Like the opioid epidemic itself, [Jessica] Grubb’s death was complicated. With the president and countless strangers pulling for her, she was let down by a treatment system that resists evidence-based practices and by a medical community that still hasn’t figured out how to incorporate substance-use disorders into treatment mandates." Take a look at the HHS plan to stop deaths like Grubb's. [Ryan Grim and Sam Stein, HuffPost]

For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.


WE KNOW WHY YOUR iPHONE IS CRASHING Blame the latest iOS update. [HuffPost]

RBG IS TAKING A TURN AT ACTING The Supreme Court justice will play a judge, so it's not that much of a reach. [New York Magazine]

THOUSANDS RALLY AROUND VICTIM OF HATE CRIME "People from around the world have united to raise more than 86,200 [pounds] (or around $123,007) in a matter of days for the grieving family of Asad Shah, a shopkeeper in Glasgow, Scotland, who was brutally killed on Thursday." [HuffPost]

WHAT'S UP WITH YOUR INSTAGRAM No, it's not changing tomorrow, so stop worrying about turning on notifications. [HuffPost]

BEING A MUSLIM IN AMERICA In their own words. [HuffPost]

THE FIRST MUSIC VIDEO FOR KIEFER SUTHERLAND'S ALBUM DROPPED Imagine a bad musical episode of "24" and you get the gist. [HuffPost]

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THE MESSAGING GURU HOPING TO CHANGE THE UTILITIES INDUSTRY "The U.S. utility industry, beset by stricter pollution regulations and market forces that have made renewable energy more competitive, is seeking to rebrand itself into something more appealing to the public." [HuffPost]

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~ Violence in Chicago continues to rise to deadly new heights.

~ The Secret Service doesn't want guns at the GOP convention.

~ The history of the NYC fire escapes.

~ Living that start-up life -- when you're 50-plus .

~ The story behind "paleo happiness."

~ This Alaskan volcano is spewing ash over 20,000 feet high.

~ Buzzfeed takes a look at the "unbearable sadness of Ben Affleck."

~ No, Internet -- Jon Lovitz and Jessica Lowndes aren't engaged. But that was a nifty bit of marketing for her new single.

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Monday, March 28, 2016

The aftermath of the Pakistan Easter attack

The Morning Email
Monday March 28th, 2016
pakistan lahore


THE AFTERMATH OF THE EASTER BLAST "A suicide bomber killed at least 65 people, mostly women and children, at a park in Lahore on Sunday in an attack claimed by a Pakistani Taliban faction which said it had targeted Christians." The group is attempting to "raise its profile" among the various Pakistani militant factions. [Reuters]

BERNIE SANDERS WINS THREE STATES OVER THE WEEKEND Sanders believes the super-delegates "may rethink" who they are voting for. Here's a look at the path ahead, and what it's like covering a campaign that still doesn't get much respect. [Reuters]

'TERROR NETWORKS SPRAWL BEYOND BRUSSELS AND PARIS' "A pan-European effort to crack the Islamic State network behind the Paris and Brussels attacks is yielding an unsettling discovery -- a web of interlocking terror cells whose dimensions authorities say they are still trying to grasp." And authorities confirmed that two more Americans were killed in the Brussels attacks. [WSJ | Paywall]

EVERYBODY'S BRACKETS ARE BUSTED But Oklahoma, Villanova, UNC and Syracuse are headed to the Final Four. This ACC dominance could be around for a while. [Sports Illustrated]

THE BEGINNINGS OF THE EMAIL SCANDAL "Hillary Clinton’s email problems began in her first days as secretary of state. She insisted on using her personal BlackBerry for all her email communications, but she wasn’t allowed to take the device into her seventh-floor suite of offices, a secure space known as Mahogany Row." [WaPo]

11 WILD SCENARIOS FOR THE GOP CONVENTION Shenanigans are about to ensue. [Howard Fineman and Lauren Weber, HuffPost]

For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.


'NETFLIX'S PLAN TO CONQUER THE WORLD' "For Netflix, becoming a truly global network presents a path for steady growth over the next decade and beyond. It has 75 million subscribers today; there are seven billion more out there. For the world, Netflix’s aspiration could mean much more: the first glimpse at what happens when every part of an online entertainment empire, from interface to content to delivery, is engineered to be everything to everyone, all of the time." [Wired]


WHEN YOU GIVE AN UBER DRIVER A CAMERA On a Friday night, this is what happens. [Vice]



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THESE MAMMOGRAMS ALSO REVEAL HEART DISEASE RISK "The amount of calcium in the arteries of the breast, which can be seen on a digital mammogram, seems to reflect the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart." [HuffPost]

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~ Across Mexico, effigies of Donald Trump were burned in an Easter ritual.

~ What makes a terrorist?

~ North Korea released a video depicting a nuclear attack on Washington, D.C.

~ Why prisons are the new extremism breeding ground.

~ California may have locked down a $15 minimum wage.

~ Of course Chrissy Tiegen served McDonald's at her baby shower.

~ Twitter isn't a friendly place, even for Pope Francis.

~ How to peel all those leftover hardboiled eggs.

~ Happy new "Game of Thrones" teaser.

~ This woman paid off $67,000 in debt in two years.

~ What can we say: "Friends" will always be there for you.

~ And you think you ate a lot of candy this weekend? Watch this guy down 200 peeps in one sitting.

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