By Lauren Weber

Friday January 8th, 2016

GLOBAL STOCKS REGAIN FOOTING AS CHINA CONTINUES TO FALTER China's currency devaluation plans are off to a rocky start in 2016. [NYT]
A MISSING U.S. MISSILE SHOWS UP IN CUBA "An inert U.S. Hellfire missile sent to Europe for training purposes was wrongly shipped from there to Cuba in 2014, said people familiar with the matter, a loss of sensitive military technology that ranks among the worst-known incidents of its kind." [WSJ | Paywall]
TOP SPIES MEETING WITH SILICON VALLEY TO 'DISRUPT RADICALIZATION' The White House will pick the brains of the best and brightest in the social media world for the fight against online radicalization. [The Guardian]
AN ISIS MILITANT REPORTEDLY EXECUTED HIS OWN MOTHER IN RAQQA After she "encouraged him to leave the group." [Reuters]
INSIDE THE SYRIAN TOWN WHERE EVERYONE IS STARVING "Aid agencies expressed alarm Thursday about dire conditions in a besieged town west of Damascus where people have been eating cats and grass to stay alive and as many as 23 people are reported to have died of hunger." [WaPo]
NASA HAS A PLAN TO SAVE THE CORAL REEFS And it involves three years of airplane surveillance. [Chris D'Angelo, HuffPost]
CDC DIRECTOR CALL IT 'SHAMEFUL' THIS CURABLE DISEASE STILL KILLS MILLIONS "Drug-resistant tuberculosis threatens to reverse the gains that we've made. It's not just the threat overseas, it's the threat here … We know that TB anywhere can be TB everywhere." [Lauren Weber, HuffPost]
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BEYONCE IS JOINING COLDPLAY AT SUPER BOWL HALFTIME Fulfilling all of America's dreams. [HuffPost]
TAKING A LOOK AT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S NEW DIETARY GUIDELINES "You don’t have to worry about the cholesterol count in your food as much, and for the first time, there is a hard limit on added sugar, which should make up no more than 10 percent of your daily calories." [HuffPost]
WHAT'S LEADING THE OSCAR RACE FOR BEST PICTURE Aka how to sound up to date in the impending Oscar convos. [HuffPost]
THE NEW YORK TIMES’ TOP PLACES TO VISIT IN 2016 Renew that passport. [NYT]
NETFLIX CUT 18 MINUTES FROM THE 'LOST' FINALE And the showrunners are not so happy about it… [HuffPost]
SNACKS AND WEIGHT LOSS? It's possible. [HuffPost]
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BREAKING DOWN RELIGIOUS STEREOTYPES "Know Your Neighbor's goal is to get people to re-evaluate their misconceptions and start celebrating religious diversity, according to Gurwin Ahuja, co-founder of the National Sikh Campaign, which is leading the Know Your Neighbor coalition." [HuffPost]
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'WHY I WON'T BE TAKING SHOTS ON MY BIRTHDAY' "I am writing this because I didn't realize the importance of drinking responsibly until I was waking up from a coma, and I don't want anyone to go through what my family and I went through." [HuffPost]
~ What we know so far about the attacks in Cologne on New Year's Eve.
~ There were over 70 earthquakes in Oklahoma this week.
~ Deciding the plural of emoji.
~ Emma Stone may be our new favorite Cruella de Vil.
~ It's kind of hard to take out the trash with all that ice on the ground.
~ FYI, your partner can always prove you sleeptalk. Always.
~ What if Rey's name isn't even Rey?
~ Start saving, folks: most Americans are only $1,000 from financial ruin.
~ The meals to have ready to go in your freezer.
~ The mayor of St. Louis isn't happy after Rams owner Stan Kroenke ripped the town to shreds in his appeal to move the team to L.A.
~ And according to the "So That Happened" team, Hillary Clinton is lying to you about her record on Wall Street.

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