Friday, June 17, 2016
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By Lauren Weber

STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS LOBBYING FOR MILITARY STRIKES IN SYRIA "More than 50 State Department diplomats have signed an internal memo sharply critical of U.S. policy in Syria, calling for military strikes against President Bashar Assad’s government to stop its persistent violations of a civil war ceasefire." [Reuters]
BRITAIN REELS FROM MURDER OF JO COX The 41-year-old British lawmaker was shot dead after meeting with constituents. Cox was a rising political star, outspoken for Syrian refugees and preventing the Brexit. Her suspected killer reportedly had ties to a neo-Nazi group. [Charlotte Alfred, HuffPost]
SECOND BLACK BOX OF MISSING EGYPTAIR FLIGHT FOUND Authorities retrieved the cockpit recording Thursday. [Reuters]
CLEVELAND CAVALIERS FORCE GAME 7 LeBron wouldn't let his team go quietly in the night, as Cleveland routed the Golden State Warriors. Steph Curry got ejected from the game, and his wife claimed the series was rigged. Most important question, though: Will you watch "Game of Thrones" or Game 7 live Sunday? [ESPN]
SUPPORT FOR GUN CONTROL SPIKES In HuffPost/YouGov's latest poll. More details are emerging about Omar Mateen's communication with his wife during the attack. And the "So That Happened" team reminds us of the real crime in Orlando. [Ariel Edwards-Levy, HuffPost]
FALLUJAH MAYOR'S OFFICE TAKEN BACK In the "first significant victory" in the city for Iraqi security forces in their battle against the Islamic State. [WSJ]
PHILADELPHIA FIRST TO TAX SODA Somewhere, Michael Bloomberg is smiling. [Reuters]
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GET YOUR LAW DEGREE -- AND NO JOB "Such is the atavistic rage among those who went to law school seeking the upper-middle-class status and security often enjoyed by earlier generations, only to find themselves on a financial treadmill and convinced their schools misled them, that there is now a whole genre of online writing devoted specifically to channeling it: 'scamblogging.'" [NYT]
For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning’s newsbrief.

SO MUCH FOR YOU GOTTA GET WITH MY FRIENDS Sporty and Posh might get replaced on a "Spice Girls" tour. [Vulture]
IS DONALD TRUMP STARTING HIS OWN MEDIA EMPIRE? "Trump is indeed considering creating his own media business, built on the audience that has supported him thus far in his bid to become the next president of the United States. According to several people briefed on the discussions, the presumptive Republican nominee is examining the opportunity presented by the 'audience' currently supporting him." [Vanity Fair]
JUST IN TIME FOR YOUR 'ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK' BINGE TONIGHT Here's a refresher on how all your favorite Litchfield inmates ended up there. [HuffPost]
DIVORCE CONCIERGES ARE A THING NOW If you have quite a lot of cash lying around. [NYT]
BETTER MORTGAGE YOUR HOUSE FOR THOSE 'HAMILTON' TICKETS ASAP Lin-Manuel Miranda is leaving the show in July. [Vulture]

~ Bible study, one year after the Charleston shooting.
~ D.C., NYC and Boston could become one big "mega-city."
~ Meat Loaf collapsed mid-concert.
~ You can actually walk on water -- seriously.
~ This week's Middlebrow column tackles why "lady pop stars have no time for slacker anthems."
~ Scholastic talks the importance of diverse children's books on their latest podcast, Scholastic Reads.
~ This grandma knows how to Google -- politely.
~ Bradley Cooper may have found his superstar for his "A Star Is Born" remake with Lady Gaga.
~ Because Taylor Swift wasn't in the tabloids enough this week, Kim Kardashian threw some fuel on the ongoing fire of the Kanye/Taylor beef.
~ Congrats to Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, who are expecting their second child!

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