By Lauren Weber

Monday October 26th, 2015

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ARE THE RUSSIANS CUTTING UNDERSEA CABLES? "Russian submarines and spy ships are aggressively operating near the vital undersea cables that carry almost all global Internet communications, raising concerns among some American military and intelligence officials that the Russians might be planning to attack those lines in times of tension or conflict." [NYT]
U.S. COMPANIES SHOWING SLOWDOWN WARNING SIGNS "Quarterly profits and revenue at big American companies are poised to decline for the first time since the recession, as some industrial firms warn of a pullback in spending. From railroads to manufacturers to energy producers, businesses say they are facing a protracted slowdown in production, sales and employment that will spill into next year. Some of them say they are already experiencing a downturn." [WSJ]
JOE BIDEN TALKS DECISION NOT TO RUN He recounted a conversation he had with his granddaughter: "Pop, I see Daddy all the time. I see Daddy all the time. Pop, you smell like Daddy. You're not gonna leave me, are you, Pop?" [Marina Fang, HuffPost]
FOR SOME CONSERVATIVES, SUPPORTING RYAN FOR SPEAKER SPELLS TROUBLE AT HOME The far-right base is spitting venom at members of the House Freedom Caucus for supporting Paul Ryan for speaker of the House. [WaPo]
NINE WAYS HILLARY CLINTON MIGHT LOSE THE NOMINATION It is only October. [Howard Fineman, Jason Linkins and Lauren Weber, HuffPost]
For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.
THE GOVERNMENT READ YOUR VENMO JOKE AND DIDN'T LIKE IT Turns out paying for something on Venmo and calling it money for Assad isn't the best idea. [Gawker]
THERE'S A LOT OF DIGITAL AD FRAUD "There are different types of mobile fraud happening," said David Sendroff, CEO of Forensiq. "In some cases, they are faking mobile traffic. And in other cases, they are hijacking devices and filling ads in the background." [Ad Age]
TRUMP, PIZZA RAT TOP HALLOWEEN COSTUMES Just reread that headline a few times. [HuffPost]
DO YOU DRIVE? "A report published earlier this year confirms, in tremendous detail, a very basic fact of transportation that’s widely disbelieved: Drivers don’t come close to paying for the costs of the roads they use. Published jointly by the Frontier Group and the U.S. PIRG Education Fund, 'Who Pays for Roads?' exposes the myth that drivers are covering what they’re using." [The Atlantic]
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FARMERS AND SUSTAINABILITY "When farmers make the news in relation to climate issues like droughts, floods or extreme heat, they are often described in opposition to both environmentalists and, sometimes, scientists alike.
But such a depiction doesn’t tell the full story of the many ways that some farmers and ranchers are adapting to the changing climate, embracing new approaches that reduce greenhouse gases, increase water quality and sustainably contribute to and improve America’s food supply." [HuffPost]
'A LETTER TO MY LATE HUSBAND' "Danny hasn't followed in your footsteps, but I can see a lot of you in him, way more than just good looks. Like you, he's got a big huge heart and cares deeply. He has strong convictions and lives by them. He is intense. He knows hard work, and knows how to play." [HuffPost]
~ The New Republic talks to the people retreating from the rising sea on the New York coast.
~ A man with cerebral palsy was forced to crawl off a United Airlines airplane after the company failed to provide a wheelchair.
~ The box office did not do so hot this weekend.
~ A top hedge fund manager is urging his staff to take journalism classes to learn how to write.
~ How even the most DIY-adverse can pull off chalkboard art.
~ Whoever wins the World Series will end one heckuva drought.
~ This James Bond infographic breaks down the average number of kisses and kills per film, as well as likelihood of death for romantic partners.
~ Choosing the world's 50 best restaurants.
~ #funeral is a popular hashtag on Instagram. We'll just leave you with that.

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