Sunday, July 17, 2016

Important details about tomorrow's Ask Masterclass launch

I imagine you're trying to enjoy your weekend, so I'll keep this as short as possible.

Tomorrow, the cart is opening for Ryan Levesque's Ask Masterclass. Lots of launch hoopla, but here are a few important details I don't want you to miss...

(If you're not on the list yet, sign up here so you don't miss anything.)

1. I almost never endorse anyone else's courses, because between you and me, most of them are crap.

This one is an exception.

I've watched every single video in the class, my team and I have done the homework assignments, and I've spent several days with Ryan in person.

The verdict?

In my opinion, the whole thing is a work of genius. I don't say that lightly. In fact, I don't think I've ever said that about anyone's courses, except for maybe one or two of my own.

That's why I agreed to put my credibility on the line and publicly endorse it (using my affiliate link). I believe in it that much.

2. Ryan is offering a bunch of prizes.

If memory serves, the first 25 people get their marketing reviewed by Ryan himself. The next 75 get a review by a member of his team.

But here's the thing...

It's highly unlikely you'll win any of those prizes. There are over 40,000 people on the prelaunch list, so I imagine all 100 spots will be gone in a matter of minutes.

To get one, you would literally have to buy it without even learning anything about the class. And I do NOT recommend that.

Regardless of the launch hoopla, you should always carefully consider a purchase like this. If you get one of Ryan's bonuses, great, but if not, don't sweat it.

Because the good news is...

3. I'm offering bonuses too, and your chances of getting them are much, much better.

Also, I could be biased, but I think mine are even better than Ryan's. :-)

You see, I'm giving EVERYONE who purchases through my affiliate link something truly irreplaceable...

Behind the scenes access to the launch of my upcoming self-improvement blog.

Ever wished you could be a fly on the wall to see exactly how I would launch a blog?

To be there from the beginning, watching my moves as I take a blog from nothing to one of the most popular sites online?

Well, this is your chance.

I'm still working out all the details, but that's what I'm giving to everyone who purchases through my link. Here's why...

I'm using a modified version of Ryan's methods. In fact, Ryan is helping me with the launch. I just talked to him, and we're even going to let you "sit in" on one of our strategy calls together.

So, not only do you get to see the birth of a massively popular blog, but you also get to see exactly how to apply all of Ryan's methods to a blog. It's the perfect companion.

And that's just one of the bonuses. :-)

For the first 20 people, I'm also holding a half-day private mastermind where we will all get together on GoToMeeting, and I will critique your positioning, products, anything you want.

I NEVER do this. Running a company, starting a new blog – these days, my time is just too valuable to do consulting at any price.

But I'm making an exception here.

If you want my personal advice on your blog, your business, your writing, or even just your idea, this is your chance.

To be clear, this isn't the first 20 people who purchase from Ryan's email list. It's the first 20 people who purchase from MY email list. Sign up here to get notified when the cart opens.

It'll still go pretty quickly, I think, but you should hopefully have time to at least go through the details. Hopefully.

Just be aware that I have to be hard-nosed about the 20 person limit. If it gets any bigger, I won't be able to give everybody personal attention.

So, make sure you're on your toes. :-)

Okay, that's it for now. Apologies for such a long email on the weekend.

Talk with you tomorrow.


P.S. The cart opens at 8am Eastern tomorrow, so if you want a shot at the bonuses click here to sign up and get notified when the cart opens.

Not interested in surveys or Ryan Levesque? Just click here and I won't send you anymore info about it.

(Note: If you're wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to get one of the following: Headline Hacks, training on guest blogging, or post updates to Smart Blogger (formerly Boost Blog Traffic). If you'd rather I didn't email you, you can click here to unsubscribe, although I'll admit it might hurt my feelings. I'm a delicate little rosebud. :-)

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