Monday, July 11, 2016

GENIUS! (or are you fooling yourself?)

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

One day, out of the blue, you have an idea for a business you could start.

Curious to see if anyone else is already doing it, you head over to Google and spend a few minutes digging around, and...

There's nothing!

Nobody is doing it. Not like you're thinking about, anyway.

You'd be totally alone in the marketplace.

And there's so much demand.

Oh my God... you could get rich.

Suddenly, your heart is pounding, your thoughts are racing, you feel like you just won the lottery.

For a little while anyway.

But then self-doubt sneaks in.

Is it REALLY a genius idea?

I mean, if nobody is doing it, maybe there's a reason.

Sure, you like the idea, but maybe you're just fooling yourself.

And besides... you'd have to take major risks to try something like this.

Not just the money, but all the time and energy.

Is it really worth it? Do you really have a good idea? Or is it stupid?

Uncertain, you pause. You procrastinate.

Months go by, and then one of two things happens:

1. Somebody else starts the business, and they get rich instead of you.

2. Nothing. Your life goes on exactly like it always was, and your idea becomes just another thing you didn't do.

Either way, it eats at you.

What would've happened if you had taken the idea and run with it?

You'll never know.

Or wait a second...

What if there WAS a way to know in advance if the idea would work?

Not just guessing. I'm talking about SCIENCE.

A proven, step-by-step framework for (to be blunt) discovering if you're full of shit or not.

Not just for big businesses with a bunch of analysts, either. I'm talking about a system for regular folks that tells you if people want what you are selling.

Would you be interested in something like that?

Well, take a look at this:

A scientifically proven way to conduct market research

It's a new system developed by a neuroscientist who used to teach at Brown University named Ryan Levesque.

This isn't just some "academic theory," either. After leaving Brown, Ryan made millions from it.

The best part?

He put together a little video walking you through the whole thing. Step-by-step. There's a workbook and everything.

And for the moment, it's free.

Take a look when you get a chance. It's really good stuff.

Talk soon,


P.S. If you already opted in for Ryan's first video, click this link to go straight to video #2.

Not interested in surveys or Ryan Levesque? Just click here and I won't send you anymore info about it.

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