Saturday, July 9, 2016

52,326 email subscribers PER DAY?

I'm not normally one to use all capital letters in emails, but listen...

You know you're supposed to be building an email list.

It really is the #1 thing.

Question is...


Well, I could tell you a thing or two. These days, my email list is fairly big:

[IMAGE] 231,416 Email Contacts

But you know the guy I've been talking about the last few days? Ryan Levesque?

Well, listen to this ...

He helped build a site that gets over 50,000 email subscribers PER DAY.

Not per year. Not per month.

Over 50,000 email subscribers in a single day, every day.

Want to know how?

Take a look at this...

See how Ryan got over 50K emails in a day

Ignore all the stuff about $100,000 a month and so on. That's just a sideshow.

The real genius of this is actually just a simple tweak on the opt in form:

[IMAGE] Simple Survey Question

Instead of just asking you for your email address, he asks you a question about yourself, and then he tells you how what he is doing helps you, specifically.

So simple, and yet so powerful.

We're going back and implementing this on all of our opt in pages now.

Anyway, just thought I would point it out. Really smart stuff.

If you want to know how he does it, that page actually puts you in an email sequence walking you through the whole thing.

It's really good content. I watched the whole thing myself.

Have a great weekend!


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