Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Harrowing Tale Of A World-Class Doggy Paddler

Luna, a blue-eyed puppy, was thought to have drowned. Then, the miracle happened: She turned up five weeks later. Read about her story of survival, as well as the arduous path ahead for President Obama's Supreme Court pick.
Best of NPR

Why President Obama Picked The 'Only White Guy' On His Shortlist

In an interview with NPR, the president says Senate Republicans owe it to the Founding Fathers to give Judge Merrick Garland a Supreme Court confirmation vote.

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Shots - Health News

Stand To Work If You Like, But Don't Brag About The Benefits

Standing desks have been touted as the answer for health problems caused by sitting all day. But the evidence that the high desks improve health — or that they are even used much — is weak.

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The Two-Way

Lost At Sea And Feared Dead, Dog Found On Island After 5 Weeks

A 1-year-old, blue-eyed German shepherd mix named Luna fell off a fishing boat, swam to shore and survived on mice. She was found near a U.S. naval facility on an island off California.

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Stuck In The Middle: Work, Health And Happiness At Midlife

8 Ways You Can Survive — And Thrive In — Midlife

One secret to midlife happiness is being a rookie at something. Trying new things and failing keeps you robust. Also, to revive a midlife marriage, mix things up: Hike, go dancing or set out in an RV.

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How Single Women Are Transforming American Politics

Women are staying single longer than ever — a shift that's having profound political implications, says author Rebecca Traister.

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