Monday, November 30, 2015

Inside the Paris Climate Talks

The Morning Email
Monday November 30th, 2015
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INSIDE THE PARIS CLIMATE TALKS Here's what you need to know about the climate summit, as well as short answers to FAQs on climate change. President Barack Obama is "cautiously optimistic" that an accord could be possible -- and here's why that would be a landmark moment for the climate change movement. [Nick Visser, HuffPost]

PLANNED PARENTHOOD SHOOTER ROBERT LEWIS DEAR TO GO BEFORE JUDGE Dear allegedly opened fire on a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs and created an hours-long standoff Friday. Meet the officer and two civilians he is accused of killing in a rampage that ended with him reportedly saying "no more baby parts." [AP]

TRIAL KICKS OFF FOR FIRST OF SIX OFFICERS IN FREDDIE GRAY CASE And as the trial begins, worries about violence in Baltimore grow. [WaPo]

ONLINE SHOPPING BEATS OUT BRICKS AND MORTAR FOR BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND Forget shopping in stores, mobile surfing is where it's at. And the deals aren't over yet -- check out these top Cyber Monday deals. [WSJ]

KOBE BRYANT ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT AT END OF SEASON Check out the poem he wrote to relay the big news. Here's why ESPN is calling him the most important NBA player of the 2000s, and here’s how the world reacted to the great's announcement. [Kelly Chen and Erick Fernandez, HuffPost]

LIBYA: THE 'FALLBACK OPTION' FOR ISIS "Iraqi commanders have been arriving from Syria, and the first public beheadings have started. The local radio stations no longer play music but instead extol the greatness of the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi." [NYT]

AN EXECUTIVE ORDER TO KEEP TOP TALENT The White House is contemplating an executive order that would raise pay and streamline the hiring process for top civil servants. [WaPo]

'REMAKING ILLINOIS' WITH A WHOLE LOT OF MONEY "The rich families remaking Illinois are among a small group around the country who have channeled their extraordinary wealth into political power, taking advantage of regulatory, legal and cultural shifts that have carved new paths for infusing money into campaigns." [NYT]

For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.


THE PATRIOTS WISH THEY HAD A WEEKEND DO-OVER The Denver Broncos ruined New England’s undefeated season thus far and star Rob Gronkowski was injured. [AP]

SINEAD O'CONNOR RECEIVES MEDICAL TREATMENT AFTER APPARENT SUICIDE NOTE ON FACEBOOK "Sinead O'Connor is 'safe and sound' after an emotional note posted on her official Facebook page said that she had 'taken an overdose' of drugs, TMZ reported Sunday." [HuffPost]

YES, PRINCESS CHARLOTTE COULD NOT BE CUTER In the first photos of the princess released since June. [HuffPost]

WHEN U.S. CITIES' FATES DIVERGE "Growing inequality between and among regions and metro areas is obvious. But it is almost completely absent from the current political conversation." [The Atlantic]

FINAL COUNT: ADELE SOLD 3.38 MILLION COPIES IN FIRST WEEK Literally breaking the way that Nielson counts record sales. All hail Adele. [Vulture]

CONGRATS TO ANNE HATHAWAY The actress is pregnant with her first child with Adam Shulman. [HuffPost]

LETTING GO OF PERFECTION OVER THE HOLIDAYS "If you’re a perfectionist, chances are the impending aroma of turkey and the sound of jingle bells makes you a little bit nervous. Whether it’s your quest to find the perfect gift, the need to capture the perfect family moment or the desire to cook the perfect meal, the overwhelming drive to make sure everything goes according to plan is often at its peak during the holidays." [HuffPost]

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THE FREE COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOOM "But thousands of high school graduates have just started community college for free, with the first batch enrolled in independent first-year programs in Tennessee, Chicago and soon Oregon doing so under different price tags and philosophies -- offering templates of how a federal program might look and potential glitches." [AP]

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'CHOOSING CLIMATE-FRIENDLY FOOD' "Indeed, in the midst of a growing -- and very encouraging -- global conversation on how to address the common threat of climate change, far too little attention has been paid at the highest levels to the impact of our diets and farming practices on planet-warming emissions." [HuffPost]


~ Michael Brown still does not have a headstone, over a year after his death.

~ What the discovery of Nefertiti's tomb would mean for the Egyptian economy.

~ Michael Eric Dyson lays out why "Hillary Clinton will do more for black people" than President Obama in this week's New Republic.

~ Congrats to Coco and Ice T on their baby girl, Chanel.

~ The only meaningful detail we have yet of Mary-Kate Olsen's wedding is that it featured a lot of cigarettes.

~ HSBC's push to level the gender-imbalanced playing field.

~ Yes, Benedict Cumberbatch as an otter will be the best thing you've seen all day.

~ No, baby starlings aren't trying to commit suicide. But here's why they're drowning in droves.

~ The Internet finally has a John Stamos prom pic.

~ NPR takes a look at the hottest holiday toy -- the hoverboard.

~ Get back your attention span by "resisting … surfing into a stupor."

~ And because it's Monday, here's a chicken riding a Roomba.

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Your Adult Siblings May Hold The Secret To A Long, Happy Life Plus 4 More Stories

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Your Adult Siblings May Hold The Secret To A Long, Happy Life

Our siblings are with us for longer than anyone else through our lives. Strong sibling relationships can cushion the blows of aging, while conflict cuts to the bone.

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The Two-Way

Trump Doubles Down On Claim He Saw Thousands Cheer In N.J. On 9/11

In an interview, Donald Trump said people in New Jersey — "where you have large Arab populations" — were cheering when the Twin Towers came down. Police, however, have said it did not happen.

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Before The Body Of A Child Saint, A Mother Struggles To Forgive Her Child

The remains of St. Maria Goretti just finished a 54-city tour of the U.S. At the relic's final stop, in Oklahoma City, one widow went to seek the strength to forgive her husband's murderer — her son.

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All Songs Considered

Hear 'Kevin,' The New Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Song Featuring Leon Bridges

Macklemore's latest effort with producer Ryan Lewis is a funk-flavored tirade against the ravages of drug addiction.

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Why Do Young People Like Socialism More Than Older People Do?

There are two big reasons why millennials are embracing the political philosophy that presidential candidate Bernie Sanders preaches: the economy and history.

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Saturday, November 28, 2015

So many tears!!

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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thank You

The Morning Email
Wednesday November 25th, 2015
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This Thanksgiving, The Morning Email is so thankful for all of you. We're lucky to have such an incredible following. As always, please feel free to email us at with any tips or suggestions about improving The Morning Email. Thanks for reading!


VIDEO RELEASED OF CHICAGO OFFICER SHOOTING TEEN 16 TIMES "City officials on Tuesday released police dashcam video showing an officer shooting teenager Laquan McDonald 16 times, continuing to fire well after the youth falls to the ground. The court-ordered release of the video came hours after authorities charged Officer Jason Van Dyke with first-degree murder in the teen's killing." Demonstrators took to the streets in protest. Here's a look at Van Dyke's problematic record, as well as the Chicago Tribune's editorial on what this means for the city of Chicago. [Kim Bellware, HuffPost]

WHAT THE SHOT DOWN RUSSIAN WAR PLANE MEANS FOR NATO RELATIONS Here's a look at the back and forth between Russia and Turkey's accounts of the event. Russia rescued the navigator of the warplane, but the pilot appears to be dead. Meanwhile, U.S. President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to target ISIS instead of rebels in Syria, but relations between NATO and Russia are seriously strained. Chances for a "grand coalition of international powers to change the course of chaos in Syria" are now very slim. [Reuters]

RUSSIA IS 'TAKING A HIT' AFTER THE DOWNED PLANE "The downing of a Russian jet fighter by Turkey threatens to disrupt President Vladimir Putin’s plan to bring more countries into his antiterrorism tent, as well as any potential rapprochement with the West." [WSJ]

WHY MILLENNIALS ARE JOINING THE MILITARY "Some were looking for a steady job. Some were searching for adventure. Some genuinely wanted to fight for their country. But there's another reason. Weaver turned as another recruit walked through the door. 'This isn't your grandfather's army,' he said." [Sebastian Murdock, HuffPost]

ALL THE THANKSGIVING FLIGHT PATTERNS So many people are headed to Miami. And here's what to expect when you get to the airport this week. [NYT]

U.S. TAKATA EMPLOYEES STATED CONCERNS FOR YEARS According to documents obtained by the Wall Street Journal, U.S. workers were worried their Japanese counterparts were altering reports to cover up the defective, and sometimes explosive, airbags. [WSJ]

For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.


FORGET T-SWIFT'S SQUAD We want in on the Jennifer Lawrence, Adele and Emma Stone trio. [HuffPost]

THE RISE OF LASER ATTACKS ON PLANES "In the U.S., the Federal Aviation Administration reported in October that 5,352 strikes had been documented in 2015 through Oct. 16, compared with 3,894 in all of 2014." [HuffPost]

SAY GOODBYE TO 'MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING' AND OTHER NETFLIX GEMS Let the holiday week binge begin before they disappear. And here's what you have to look forward to Dec. 1. [HuffPost]


THE INDEPENDENT SPIRIT AWARD NOMINEES WERE ANNOUNCED Better start watching these movies in preparation for Oscars season. [HuffPost]

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE DEADLY 'KISSING BUG' "If left untreated, the disease gets worse and enters what doctors call the chronic phase. Over time, the parasites nestle into the heart and digestive muscles of their hosts. They can cause heart and digestive disorders and discomfort before ultimately causing sudden death or heart failure." [HuffPost]


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FIXING THE MEDIA'S DIVERSITY PROBLEM "Every writer of color and most readers of color know the jolt of seeing a name like yours in print. It's a facsimile of the nod, the silent acknowledgment of a face like yours in a crowd." [HuffPost]

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ARIANNA HUFFINGTON: HOW BUSINESS CAN ACCELERATE CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION "In the last year, for example, the number of companies committing to weaning themselves off fossil fuels -- by creating real financial targets, not just making empty promises -- has tripled. Half of all new power plants built in 2014 were green." [HuffPost]


~ Congrats for winning "Dancing With The Stars" goes to...

~ What the State Department's travel alert means for your trip.

~ Business titans Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are in a rocket war.

~ Watch out for the Costco chicken salad: 19 have been sickened with E. Coli from it.

~ One of President Obama's least favorite presidential duties? Pardoning the turkey each year.

~ The best and worst states to live in.

~ Yes, you need to google "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away."

~ Vulture's ode to Adele for looking just like the rest of us.

~ Meet presidential candidate, Vermin Supreme.

~ Tom Cruise is considering starring in "The Mummy" reboot.

~ And how to talk to a climate change denier this Thanksgiving.

The Morning Email will return November 30. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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