Saturday, October 31, 2015


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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday's Morning Email

The Morning Email
Thursday October 29th, 2015
gop debate rubio bush
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INSIDE THE GOP DEBATE How Marco Rubio stole the show, Jeb Bush got skewered, and the moderators had the worst night of anyone. [Scott Conroy and Sam Stein, HuffPost]

CHINA TO END ONE-CHILD POLICY State media is reporting that couples will be allowed to have two children, ending the policy started in 1980. [Alana Horowitz Satlin, HuffPost]

WITNESSES DISPUTE POLICE ACCOUNTS OF SHOOTING NEAR FERGUSON While police say the victim in question "was not struck by law enforcement gunfire," two witnesses say police shot the man. [Mariah Stewart, Matt Ferner and Sebastian Murdock, HuffPost]

DEUTSCHE BANK ELIMINATING 35,000 JOBS After posting a $6.6 billion loss, the bank is cutting one-quarter of its workforce. [AP]

MEET THE FOUR LAWYERS RESPONSIBLE FOR BIN LADEN'S DEATH "Weeks before President Obama ordered the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in May 2011, four administration lawyers developed rationales intended to overcome any legal obstacles -- and made it all but inevitable that Navy SEALs would kill the fugitive Qaeda leader, not capture him." [NYT]

THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS ACTING CAUTIOUS Here's what that means for your paycheck. [Daniel Marans, HuffPost]

KANSAS CITY ROYALS INCREASE SERIES LEAD TO 2-0 The team thumped the New York Mets in a 7-1 win. [Erick Fernandez, HuffPost]

THE GIANT MILITARY BLIMP FIASCO "The U.S. military has two giant, unmanned surveillance blimps it uses to watch the East Coast from a base in Maryland. And one of them escaped its tethers Wednesday and floated aimlessly over Pennsylvania, downing power lines and cutting off electricity for tens of thousands of residents." [WaPo]

For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.


TUBERCULOSIS NAMED TOP INFECTIOUS KILLER ALONGSIDE HIV/AIDS Even though HIV/AIDS receives four times as much funding as TB. [HuffPost]

DYING GREEN How to save the environment in your passing. [HuffPost]



SLEEP PARALYSIS SOUNDS LIKE THE WORST "My deepest fear came from the realization that my body, in that moment, had become completely dissociated from anything I recognized as myself. It was a car sinking to the bottom of a lake, my mind its captive passenger, waiting to drown." [Vice]

THE FLIP SIDE OF YOUR FEAR Why you shouldn't be afraid of bats, sharks, planes, germs and the like. [HuffPost]

ONE DAY AT A PANDA EXPRESS How much do you think one Panda Express makes in a day? [Eater]

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MEET THE WORLD'S OLDEST DANCE CREW "Started in 2012 as a flash mob, The Hip Op-eration Crew holds the Guinness World Record for oldest dance troupe. Twenty-two members between the ages of 68 and 96 make up the New Zealand-based company, which has performed at the 2013 World Hip Hop Championship in Las Vegas as well as in front of 15,000 people in Taiwan." [HuffPost]


DARK MATTER, THE KEY TO THE UNIVERSE? "Most people mistake their own perspective, shaped by their subjective and limited perception, for the absolute reality of the external world. Questioning this assumption is what advanced our research on dark matter. It is also the only thing that has ever advanced human empathy." [HuffPost]


~ Happy Thursday -- here is the best doughnut shop in your state.

~ Yeah, you should probably know Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg's favorite ruling.

~ How income inequality has changed Hershey's marketing game.

~ Khloe Kardashian wants to clear up a few things: For starters, she's not getting back together with Lamar Odom.

~ These kitchen before-and-after shots will give you hope.

~ You know how people tell you stress will give you an ulcer? They're not joking.

~ This former employee thinks Whole Foods is like an "insecure high school girl."

~ If you want to spoil "Game of Thrones" Season 6 for yourself, go right ahead.

~ Need last-minute Halloween ideas? Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan have got you covered.

~ What your neighborhood librarian can do for you these days.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Budget Deal That Will Avert a Shutdown

The Morning Email
Tuesday October 27th, 2015
boehner obama
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CONGRESS NEARS DEAL TO AVOID GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN "Just before midnight on Monday, congressional lawmakers and the White House tentatively agreed on a major budget deal that would end such standoffs in the Obama presidency and solve a potentially catastrophic debt default coming within days. Several aides said that, absent last-minute drama, it could be voted on by the House as early as Wednesday and by the Senate a day later." Take a look at the details of the deal. [Sam Stein and Arthur Delaney, HuffPost]

U.S. SHIP SAILS INTO DISPUTED WATERS China has said it warned the U.S. ship, which came within 12 miles of an artificial island built by China in the South China Sea. The U.S. has said it was asserting its "freedom of navigation." Some analysts are calling this a "pivotal moment" for U.S.-China relations. [Reuters]

OBAMA MULLS TROOP MOVEMENT IN IRAQ AND SYRIA If he does put troops closer to the front lines in both countries, it "would represent a significant escalation of the American role in Iraq and Syria." [WaPo]

THE 'WOMEN OF WAR' HuffPost's newest video series will take you beyond the battlefield with journalist Khazar Fatemi. [Ryan Grim, HuffPost]

WHITE HOUSE DISAGREES WITH FBI DIRECTOR ON SOURCE OF CRIME WAVE "The White House on Monday slammed FBI Director James Comey's notion that pervasive cellphone footage featuring police actions has led to an uptick in violent crime." [Nick Visser, HuffPost]

BY 2100, IT MAY BE TOO HOT TO LIVE IN THE PERSIAN GULF Projections have the heat index, which is a combination of heat and humidity, hitting 165 to 170 degrees a day for at least six hours. [AP]

OBAMA AND YEMEN: IS HE TRYING TO GET OUT? "Over the past six months, the Obama administration has quietly embroiled the U.S. in a Middle Eastern war that has left more than 20 million people in need of humanitarian aid and killed at least 5,000. U.S.-backed Sunni Arab nations, led by Saudi Arabia, have bombed weddings, left families to starve and looked the other way as an al Qaeda affiliate has used the confusion to seize significant territory. Civilian casualties are growing daily." [Akbar Shahid Ahmed, HuffPost]

WATCHING GREENLAND MELT AWAY As the ice sheet melts, scientists are examining whether it is contributing to rising sea levels. [NYT]

For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.


STUDY: ONE IN 14 KIDS HAS AN INCARCERATED PARENT "One in 14 children have at least one parent behind bars and children in these situations suffer from low self esteem, poor mental and physical health, and other problems, a national research organization says." [USA Today]

INSIDE THE FOUR 'GILMORE GIRLS' EPISODES Looks like we'll be covering an entire year in Stars Hollow in present day. Who will Rory be? Will Lorelai and Luke already be hitched?!?! [HuffPost]

THE SELFIE STICK MARKET IS INSANE It might be more cutthroat than social media itself. #allthephotofun [Wired]

BEHIND THE NEW CANCER WARNING FOR RED MEAT "Specifically, the researchers found evidence that eating a 50-gram portion of processed meat daily (about one hot dog) can increase a person's relative risk of colorectal cancer by 18 percent. Since a person's lifetime risk of colorectal cancer is about five percent, daily meat consumption seems to boost that absolute risk by one point to 6 percent (or 18 percent of the 5 percent lifetime risk)." [Vox]

PREPARE FOR THE ONSLAUGHT OF MORE FACEBOOK NOTIFICATIONS Big blue brother knows everything, after all. [HuffPost]

WAIT, COULD CHRISTIAN BALE BE BATMAN STILL? And is Ben Affleck possibly another character named Deathstroke? [HuffPost]

AND HERE'S A BABY PANDA KINDERGARTEN Truly, it doesn't get cuter. [HuffPost]

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THE NEW YORK SOUP KITCHEN FOR PEOPLE AND THEIR PETS "Collide aims to provide resources that many homeless youth with pets do not have access to, or are denied at shelters or missions because they have an animal. At the ministry, which is one of multiple programs based at Graffiti Church geared toward underserved communities, pets receive basic medical services like vaccinations, spaying/neutering and dog licensing." [HuffPost]


PRESIDENT OBAMA: 'MAKING TESTING SMARTER' "Here's a simple question: If your kids had more free time at school, what would you want them to do with it? If you're like most parents, here's what I suspect you wouldn't want your children to be doing with their extra time in the classroom: Taking more standardized tests. I certainly wouldn't want that for my girls." [HuffPost]


~ "The day I was crowned homecoming princess was the day I knew I couldn’t fake it anymore. "

~ Turns out being a tea sommelier is an actual job.

~ Why it seems like all the libertarians are guys.

~ Watching Jeb put on this hoodie is a bit painful.

~ ICYMI, the most instagrammed spot in each state.

~ Leah Remini talks Tom Cruise and Scientology.

~ Taking another look at the "world's oldest wonder drug."

~ How much money your roommate is saving you.

~ Kate Middleton shocked us all by showing off a sheer back in her Jenny Packham dress at last night's British premiere of "Spectre."

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Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday's Morning Email

The Morning Email
Monday October 26th, 2015
obama putin toast

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ARE THE RUSSIANS CUTTING UNDERSEA CABLES? "Russian submarines and spy ships are aggressively operating near the vital undersea cables that carry almost all global Internet communications, raising concerns among some American military and intelligence officials that the Russians might be planning to attack those lines in times of tension or conflict." [NYT]

A 7.5 EARTHQUAKE HIT AFGHANISTAN, INDIA AND PAKISTAN Information is scarce as the quake has taken out some communication lines, but at least 29 people have been killed. [Reuters]

U.S. COMPANIES SHOWING SLOWDOWN WARNING SIGNS "Quarterly profits and revenue at big American companies are poised to decline for the first time since the recession, as some industrial firms warn of a pullback in spending. From railroads to manufacturers to energy producers, businesses say they are facing a protracted slowdown in production, sales and employment that will spill into next year. Some of them say they are already experiencing a downturn." [WSJ]

JOE BIDEN TALKS DECISION NOT TO RUN He recounted a conversation he had with his granddaughter: "Pop, I see Daddy all the time. I see Daddy all the time. Pop, you smell like Daddy. You're not gonna leave me, are you, Pop?" [Marina Fang, HuffPost]

FOR SOME CONSERVATIVES, SUPPORTING RYAN FOR SPEAKER SPELLS TROUBLE AT HOME The far-right base is spitting venom at members of the House Freedom Caucus for supporting Paul Ryan for speaker of the House. [WaPo]

NINE WAYS HILLARY CLINTON MIGHT LOSE THE NOMINATION It is only October. [Howard Fineman, Jason Linkins and Lauren Weber, HuffPost]

For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning's newsbrief.


THE GOVERNMENT READ YOUR VENMO JOKE AND DIDN'T LIKE IT Turns out paying for something on Venmo and calling it money for Assad isn't the best idea. [Gawker]

THERE'S A LOT OF DIGITAL AD FRAUD "There are different types of mobile fraud happening," said David Sendroff, CEO of Forensiq. "In some cases, they are faking mobile traffic. And in other cases, they are hijacking devices and filling ads in the background." [Ad Age]

TRUMP, PIZZA RAT TOP HALLOWEEN COSTUMES Just reread that headline a few times. [HuffPost]


DO YOU DRIVE? "A report published earlier this year confirms, in tremendous detail, a very basic fact of transportation that’s widely disbelieved: Drivers don’t come close to paying for the costs of the roads they use. Published jointly by the Frontier Group and the U.S. PIRG Education Fund, 'Who Pays for Roads?' exposes the myth that drivers are covering what they’re using." [The Atlantic]

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FARMERS AND SUSTAINABILITY "When farmers make the news in relation to climate issues like droughts, floods or extreme heat, they are often described in opposition to both environmentalists and, sometimes, scientists alike.
But such a depiction doesn’t tell the full story of the many ways that some farmers and ranchers are adapting to the changing climate, embracing new approaches that reduce greenhouse gases, increase water quality and sustainably contribute to and improve America’s food supply." [HuffPost]


'A LETTER TO MY LATE HUSBAND' "Danny hasn't followed in your footsteps, but I can see a lot of you in him, way more than just good looks. Like you, he's got a big huge heart and cares deeply. He has strong convictions and lives by them. He is intense. He knows hard work, and knows how to play." [HuffPost]


~ The New Republic talks to the people retreating from the rising sea on the New York coast.

~ A man with cerebral palsy was forced to crawl off a United Airlines airplane after the company failed to provide a wheelchair.

~ The box office did not do so hot this weekend.

~ A top hedge fund manager is urging his staff to take journalism classes to learn how to write.

~ How even the most DIY-adverse can pull off chalkboard art.

~ Whoever wins the World Series will end one heckuva drought.

~ This James Bond infographic breaks down the average number of kisses and kills per film, as well as likelihood of death for romantic partners.

~ Choosing the world's 50 best restaurants.

~ #funeral is a popular hashtag on Instagram. We'll just leave you with that.

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